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10 Mar 2009 10:41


Sports: Miami’s Dwayne Wade: Killer night in a killer game

  • 2OT how long the game vs. the Bulls went into extra innings source

10 Mar 2009 10:36


Offbeat, Politics: Chuck Norris sounds like a nutjob with all this revolution talk

  • How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?
  • Chuck Norris • In his latest conservative column for WorldNetDaily, titled “I May Run for President of Texas.” Yeah Chuck, you have fun with your revolution. • source

10 Mar 2009 10:32


World: Peace conference interrupted by a suicide bomber in Iraq

  • 33 were killed at a peace conference in Baghdad source

10 Mar 2009 10:27


Music, Tech: YouTube plays hardball with music videos in the UK

  • It couldn’t agree on fees, so now the videos are gone. YouTube is in the midst of a disagreement with the U.K.’s Performing Rights Society over royalties on music videos. While they’re committed to working with the PRS, YouTube is upset that the suggested rates are so high and do not want to lose income each time a video is played. This oughta be fun. source

10 Mar 2009 10:20


Culture, Politics: Woz danced with the stars, sucked pretty bad

  • In an opening act that was effortful, but, at times, reminiscent of a varicose vein on cocaine, Wozniak chased his professional partner, Karina Smirnoff, around the dance floor and rarely caught a glimpse of her exquisite hem.
  • Chris Matyszczyk • CNet columnist, reviewing Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak’s performance on “Dancing with the Stars.” The judges didn’t like him either – one judge referred to his dancing abilities being “like a Teletubby going mad.” • source

10 Mar 2009 10:14


U.S.: The rate of youth homelessness is way higher than you’d guess

  • 1 in 50 kids experienced some homelessness in 2005- 2006 source

10 Mar 2009 01:52


Offbeat: You know how much a trillion bucks is worth. Here’s what it looks like.

That little guy in the corner has the worst job ever. He has to count all the $100 bills. source