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28 Dec 2009 10:52


Tech: Was this decade the “Search Decade”? Here’s why it might be.

  • Our searches tell the story of the decade. They show sometimes what we need, but always what we want; sometimes who we strive to be, but always who we really are.
  • St. Petersburg Times writer Michael Kruse • Arguing why this decade was the “Search Decade” – which, of the many descriptions we’ve heard this week, probably makes the most sense. We’re a society that searches for everything, not the least of which bigger answers. And Google has become the center of so many of our lives that, really, could it be anything else? source

22 Dec 2009 09:17


World: China’s trying to block all the things that make the Web awesome

  • If they do not take up proper actions, they will be held for the breach of duty. In those serious cases, the corporate representatives will be forced to apologies to the public and promise to correct their wrong-doings in public.
  • The Chinese government • In a statement regarding the blocking of mobile porn sites. China’s trying really hard to assert control over the ‘net, specifically blocking porn and social networking to keep its people at bay. The Iranian protests, in particular, showed them the power of social networking, and now they’re trying to put that genie in the bottle. We hope their attempts fail. source

16 Dec 2009 10:58


Tech: On the flip side, Microsoft and the EU no longer locking horns

  • Now if only Intel could get some of MS’s juju. The European Union has been on the company’s back over lack of browser choice, something Microsoft has responded to by actually listening to them and offering choices other than Internet Explorer to its users. The EU’s response? They’re dropping the suit, and MS gets to roam (somewhat) free. Happy time! source

14 Dec 2009 20:30


Tech: According to Nielsen, we’re a bunch of Web-addicted shut-ins

  • 66 hours of computer usage per person in November alone source

07 Dec 2009 21:29


Tech: Wear a seat belt: Google’s real-time search means new results, fast

Google now has Twitter, Facebook and MySpace in its searches. Which means that you’re bound to get your hair tussled by the results whooshing by. source

05 Dec 2009 11:16


23 Nov 2009 22:34


Tech: Robert Scoble calls web curation a “billion-dollar opportunity”

  • Here’s a test. Take a tweet of mine in your favorite reader like Seesmic or TweetDeck, click a single button on your iPhone and then type or leave some audio right underneath that Tweet and click another button to post it. Hint: you can’t. That, to me, is opportunity.
  • Super-blogger/tweeter/nerd maven Robert Scoble • Discussing one of his super-brilliant ideas – real-time Web curation. He suggests that people should be able to take what’s put in front of them and organize and add commentary to it simply. And it needs to be simple like and well-integrated with Facebook and Twitter. We couldn’t agree more. (Disclosure: We’ve been using news-specific curator Publish2 of late to post on ShortFormBlog, and it’s a pretty good link-organizing tool for journalists.) source

15 Nov 2009 12:22


U.S.: Recession lesson: Teachers can make bank selling coursework online

Erica Bohrer has turned a lesson of hers into $650 in cold, hard cash, which has gone to both the classroom and her mortgage. Some see an ethical crisis in this. source

10 Nov 2009 10:50


Culture: Carrie Prejean continues her freefall into self-caused parody

  • Telling Perez Hilton – a gay man known for his outspoken views on gay rights – that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman on live TV. source
  • Lying about the existence of sexy pics of herself until they leak on the Web. Then letting her 15 minutes go to waste by trashing ties with PR folks. source
  • Lying about the existence of a solo sex tape until it, too, leaks on the Web, totally undercutting her largely conservative base. Idiot. source

09 Nov 2009 22:40


Biz, Tech: Google admits its mobile ads aren’t working, acquires AdMob

  • $750 million for the mobile golden goose source