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30 Jul 2009 11:08


Tech: Mad haxors are meeting in Las Vegas to hack your machine

  • The goal? Finding security flaws. Las Vegas’ Black Hat security conference is the place to be if you want to present some major hacks that companies like Microsoft and Apple should know about. Currently on the table? An exploit which allows users to hack Macs and steal scrambled data. Now, we know what you’re thinking. How could this possibly help you? Well, it forces tech companies to make better products. source

11 Jul 2009 11:49


Tech: Image-uploading web sites like Imageshack are serious business

  • Well … that’s a pretty notable hack. These guys hacked a site that millions of people use to tell the world that security exploits need to not be openly talked about – the hacking equivalent of snitches. Most of us don’t care, but probably should more.source

29 May 2009 13:13


U.S.: President Barack Obama: Cybertheft victim

  • Cyberspace is real and so are the risks that come with it. I know how it feels to have privacy violated because it has happened to me.
  • President Barack Obama • who revealed today, while launching a new initiative to fight cybercrime that his presidential campaign suffered a break-in by hackers last year, although they did not swipe information from campaign contributors. He also noted that a new cyber czar would be part of the initiative, though he didn’t name names. • source

21 May 2009 22:14


Politics, U.S.: Visualized key points of Obama’s soothing speech

Obama text cloud
  • Again, thanks to friend of the site Chris Amico. He’s a pretty bright guy, just an FYI.source

21 May 2009 22:11


Politics, U.S.: Key quote from Barack Obama’s speech on security today

  • I want to solve these problems, and I want to solve them together as Americans. And we will be ill served by some of the fear-mongering that emerges whenever we discuss this issue.
  • President Barack Obama • Whose speech defending his tactics and attempt to close the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay is a stark contrast from former veep Dick Cheney’s vitriol. • source

20 May 2009 16:07


Politics, U.S.: A junior congressman takes on overzealous airport security

  • The images offer a disturbingly accurate view of a person’s body underneath clothing, even allowing Transportation Security Administration officials to distinguish gender or see the sweat on a person’s back. Americans should not be required to expose their bodies in this manner in order to fly.
  • Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz • Arguing against the use of whole-body imaging as a part of airport security. The new method can detect far more than current metal detectors, including gender and significant amounts of detail. On the other hand, it also means you won’t have to take off your shoes. • source

19 Jan 2009 10:47


U.S.: Obama’s inauguration an expensive proposition

  • $170 million The cost of Obama’s inauguration – paid for by private donors as well as from the government’s pockets source

08 Jan 2009 09:12


U.S.: A shot of the Obamamobile in action

This vehicle is designed to keep our next president really, really safe. source

08 Jan 2009 09:08


U.S.: It’s like the Popemobile, except for Obama

  • 5 inches – the thickness of the glass on Obama’s secure new ride source

05 Jan 2009 04:44


U.S., World: We hear a new U.S. Iraqi embassy is opening

  • Why a new one? Security in the highly-protected Green Zone, long a safe haven for international interests (including the U.S. military), was handed back to Iraqi forces on January 1. source
  • Why a new one? Security in the highly-protected Green Zone, long a safe haven for international interests (including the U.S. military), was handed back to Iraqi forces on January 1.
  • Big and secure The new embassy, scheduled to open today, will house 4,000 workers. Security is so tight for the opening ceremony that film crews will not be allowed to show its buildings. source
  • Why a new one? Security in the highly-protected Green Zone, long a safe haven for international interests (including the U.S. military), was handed back to Iraqi forces on January 1.
  • Big and secure The new embassy, scheduled to open today, will house 4,000 workers. Security is so tight for the opening ceremony that film crews will not be allowed to show its buildings.
  • Going forward … Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who will preside over the opening ceremony, says recent attacks show al-Qaeda in Iraq to be a continuing threat despite great leaps forward in security. source