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06 Sep 2009 16:01


Politics: Max Headroom is loaded with Obama-drama this week

  • FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.

  • FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.

  • Al Franken dazzles Despite his rep as a divider due to his years as a liberal icon, Minnesota Senator Al Franken managed to soothe the nerves of a motley crew of health care critics. Impressive, bro.

  • FDR or Jimmy Carter Joe Trippi, speaking off of comments by his old boss, Howard Dean, suggests that the Van Jones resignation may be an attempt to discredit a president gunning for the legacy of a great.

  • Al Franken dazzles Despite his rep as a divider due to his years as a liberal icon, Minnesota Senator Al Franken managed to soothe the nerves of a motley crew of health care critics. Impressive, bro.

  • Newt’s got Obama’s back Newt Gingrich isn’t lining up with fellow Republicans to criticize Obama’s controversial upcoming speech to students. He greatly supports what he expects to be purely “positive.”

05 Sep 2009 10:27


Politics, U.S.: This Obama school speech thing has legs. Why?

  • The thing that concerned me most about it was it seemed like a direct channel from the president of the United States into the classroom, to my child. I don’t want our schools turned over to some socialist movement.
  • Pearland, Tex. parent Brett Curtis • Describing the reason why he’s keeping his three children home. Why is this a story? Because Web sites and conservative talk show hosts started giving it attention on Wednesday, despite the fact that it had been planned for weeks. We hate the fact that this is now a big story. Teachers are largely in a cruddy situation because of the controversy: If they show it, conservatives are up in arms. If they don’t, they’re disrespecting the president. We don’t like this one bit. • source

04 Sep 2009 12:01


Politics: Nutjobs afraid Obama might brainwash kids with school speech

  • Oh, whatever. The big controversy facing our country right now? Apparently Obama wants to make a speech telling kids about the value of education, and some parents are freaked that Obama might use the opportunity to indoctrinate their kids on issues he holds dear. Yo, right-wingers: BOO! Didn’t see that one coming, did ya! So, what’s it like living in a self-created climate of paranoia? source

26 May 2009 08:57


U.S.: Texas admissions policies puts schools in tough spots

  • 10% The cutoff point, set by a popular piece of legislation, for top-performing high school students to be guaranteed admission to Texas universities source

17 Apr 2009 18:14


U.S.: Yo, universities, here’s a bunch of money. No questions, please.

  • $45 million in anonymous donations were given to nine different universities, big and small and seemingly picked at random, in the last few weeks. source

16 Apr 2009 09:58


U.S.: A somber anniversary for Virginia Tech students

Today marks the second anniversary of the shooting that shook up a university and a nation. A run will honor the victims. source

20 Mar 2009 12:52


Offbeat: What’s a fart between a classroom of friends? A suspension.

  • A kid got booted from school for passing gas. The Lakeland County, Florida teen did it intentionally and repeatedly to amuse his classmates, but it was no laughing matter to the school, who suspended the kid under a rule against disruptive behavior (which they stretched out to gastrointensively disruptive behavior in this case). The kid’s dad says the district went too far and is appealing the decision. His argument? “Pull my finger,” of course! source

18 Mar 2009 22:16


World: What was the German school shooter’s motive? “For fun.”

  • He was preparing himself for the next shooting – that’s what went through my mind.
  • Igor Wolf • The man forced to drive Tim Kretschmer away from the school where he shot numerous students in Germany. Wolf said Kretschmer asked about going to another school. 15 people died in Kretschmer’s attack. Authorities are also looking into involuntary manslaughter charges against Kretschmer’s father. • source

18 Feb 2009 10:41


U.S.: Feeling lazy about graduating on time? Go to Mercer U.

  • The school’s paying for anything after the fourth year. Mercer University officials say that the goal is to get students to graduate sooner from the Macon, Ga. school, but we see it working the opposite way. “Oh, you mean you’re gonna pay for my classes? Well, I’m gonna be a regular Van Wilder! Party in my dorm room!” source