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11 May 2010 11:00


U.S.: Chatroulette’s maker more interested in surprise nudity than school

  • The last three years at school, I haven’t done anything. I just can’t make myself. There’s so much interesting stuff in the world, and I have to sit there with textbooks?
  • Chatroulette creator Andrey Ternovskiy • Regarding his feelings on school. An apparent juvenile delinquent, the Russian teenager created his way out of ever needing to finish school with Chatroulette, which is insanely popular, to the point that he only started making an effort to crack down on the nudity after Ashton Kutcher personally said something to him about it. Which is kind of hilarious. Actually, everything about this story is awesome. Well, except for the nudity. That’s pretty scary. source

12 Sep 2009 13:30


Tech: The age barrier to cell phone mass adoption? 13 years old

  • 52% of kids between the ages of 12-13 own a cell phone source

20 Mar 2009 12:52


Offbeat: What’s a fart between a classroom of friends? A suspension.

  • A kid got booted from school for passing gas. The Lakeland County, Florida teen did it intentionally and repeatedly to amuse his classmates, but it was no laughing matter to the school, who suspended the kid under a rule against disruptive behavior (which they stretched out to gastrointensively disruptive behavior in this case). The kid’s dad says the district went too far and is appealing the decision. His argument? “Pull my finger,” of course! source

26 Jan 2009 15:12


Offbeat: 14-year-old Chicago teen plays police officer, gets caught

  • Five hours on patrol The teen, who showed a longstanding interest in police work, walked into a police station on Saturday and was assigned to duty almost immediately. He didn’t write tickets and never got behind the wheel, nor did he interact with the public, but he was savvy enough to check out his own equipment. source
  • Five hours on patrol The teen, who showed a longstanding interest in police work, walked into a police station on Saturday and was assigned to duty almost immediately. He didn’t write tickets and never got behind the wheel, nor did he interact with the public, but he was savvy enough to check out his own equipment.
  • He almost got away with it … … but a supervisor became suspicious of his credentials after he returned from duty. (His “partner” had no clue that he was riding with a Frank Abagnale Jr. wannabe.) He lacked a police star, and was lacking important equipment, such as a bulletproof vest. The boy will be tried as a juvenile for the incident. source