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17 Jun 2010 20:23


U.S.: Is the Supreme Court OK with employers searching workers’ texts?

  • YES but only in this one case about a police officer source

16 Jun 2010 21:07


U.S.: Seattle police-punching case update: The police back the officer

  • The officer did nothing wrong. We always will review incidents like this, that’s how police officers learn. I am confident that the review will show that the officer was totally justified. He was defending himself.
  • Seattle Police Officer’s Guild president Sgt. Rich O’Neill • Giving some insight into the situation with officer Ian Walsh, who threw a punch after being accosted by two jaywalkers, one of whom was resisting arrest. The incident is under review. If you’ve read online today, you’ll know that the punch is controversial, with some supporting the officer and others supporting the girls arrested. O’Neill makes it clear who he thinks is at fault. “If you watch the entire video, he is trying to de-escalate the situation, first by voice commands, then by taking her by the wrists, and then she reacts by pulling away and swinging,” he notes. He suggests that Walsh could’ve tried other techniques to defuse the situation. Our problem was that he had to throw a punch at all. source

05 Jun 2010 17:19


Politics: Arizona policeman: The immigration law is making our jobs harder

  • Ask any officer … You would not believe how many incidents go unreported … even though the law has not gone into effect.
  • Tucson police officer Martin Escobar • Regarding the immigration law that he has filed a lawsuit against with another officer. Escobar, who works in an area of Tucson that’s nearly half-Hispanic, says that there are no “race-neutral criteria” to decide who’s an immigrant and who isn’t. And that’s going to affect leads on crimes. “These are the people that are calling in something going on,” he says. source

05 Aug 2009 10:52


U.S.: Florida police arrest deputy for allegedly sexually abusing immigrants

  • I can’t think of a worse betrayal of public trust. The fact is, he preyed on one of our most vulnerable communities.
  • Broward, Fla. Sheriff Al Lamberti • Discussing the charges against top deputy Jonathan Bleiweiss, an award-winning officer who allegedly preyed on illegal immigrants, sexually assaulting them. Bleiweiss, who is openly gay, previously was seen as a model police officer and has been the subject of newspaper articles praising his pioneering status in the community. • source

22 Mar 2009 21:06


Politics, U.S.: Note to the AP/Oakland P.D.: “Dead” ≠ “Brain-dead”

  • This is the danger of being too hasty to report facts. The police made a bad mistake and the AP reported it. Be careful! These are people we’re talking about. source

26 Jan 2009 15:12


Offbeat: 14-year-old Chicago teen plays police officer, gets caught

  • Five hours on patrol The teen, who showed a longstanding interest in police work, walked into a police station on Saturday and was assigned to duty almost immediately. He didn’t write tickets and never got behind the wheel, nor did he interact with the public, but he was savvy enough to check out his own equipment. source
  • Five hours on patrol The teen, who showed a longstanding interest in police work, walked into a police station on Saturday and was assigned to duty almost immediately. He didn’t write tickets and never got behind the wheel, nor did he interact with the public, but he was savvy enough to check out his own equipment.
  • He almost got away with it … … but a supervisor became suspicious of his credentials after he returned from duty. (His “partner” had no clue that he was riding with a Frank Abagnale Jr. wannabe.) He lacked a police star, and was lacking important equipment, such as a bulletproof vest. The boy will be tried as a juvenile for the incident. source