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24 Jul 2010 18:59


Politics: Charles Rangel won’t resign; Democrats wet themselves big time

  • Well, it wouldn’t be the American thing to do. I think I owe it to the process to find out first what the investigative committee finds out.
  • Rep. Charles Rangel • On his decision to see his potential ethics trial through. Rangel, of course, is a legend in Congress, and could find his legendary status in jeopardy with this trial. (He denies the charges.) Rangel’s decision could be politically damaging for the Democrats, who honestly just want him to go away so they can focus on other things, like not getting their butts kicked in November. A separate New York Daily News report suggests, though, that the REAL reason he plans to stay in office is that he needs to pay for his legal fees. source

21 Jul 2010 11:11


Biz: Conrad Black – remember that guy? – freed from prison today

  • $2 million bail, made possible by the Enron SCOTUS case source

21 Jul 2010 09:49


Politics: Andrew Breitbart STILL defends his actions in Shirley Sherrod case

  • What this video clearly shows is a standard that the Tea Party has not been held to. The NAACP, it shows the audience there applauding her when she discriminates against a white farmer.
  • Big Government guy Andrew Breitbart • Explaining his reasons for publishing the heavily-edited video of Shirley Sherrod – which he claims are still valid even AFTER they’ve been discredited. Media Matters for America senior fellow Eric Boehlert thinks he knows the real answer. “Andrew had no idea what the context of the comments were, but that didn’t stop him from launching the smear campaign. … If he had any decency he would apologize to Shirley Sherrod. And would stop with the race-baiting that we’ve seen all summer.” he said. source

01 Jul 2010 10:23


World: Cuban cause celebré Elian Gonzalez: Thanks for the help, America!

  • Thanks to the help of a big part of the American people and of our people, today I’m with my father, and that is everything.
  • Elian Gonzalez • Looking back on that crazy raid that defined U.S./Cuba diplomatic relations about a decade ago. Seriously, it holds a place next to the Terri Schiavo case in terms of complete worse-than-it-needed-to-be theatrics. Gonzalez, now 16, is studying to become a Cuban military officer. Julius was considering a similar career path, except he doesn’t live in a communist regime. source

30 Jun 2010 21:50


Politics: You happy, National Enquirer? Al Gore massage case reopened

  • Because it’s going to go somewhere … yeah. Thanks to all the new attention the massage/sexual assault report has been getting, the Portland Police Department reopened the case today. Gore’s people are optimistic that it won’t hurt the former presidential wannabe, with one spokesperson saying reopened the case “will only benefit Mr. Gore.” In other news, we wonder what fellow National Enquirer-outed presidential wannabe (and Lindsay Lohan wannabe) John Edwards has been up to lately … source

22 Jun 2010 10:28


Politics: Stanley McChrystal Rolling Stone excerpts: Joe Biden or “Bite me”?

  • It was a 10-minute photo-op. Obama clearly didn’t know anything about him, who he was. Here’s the guy who’s going to run his f-ing war, but he didn’t seem very engaged. The Boss was pretty disappointed.
  • An adviser to Gen. Stanley McChrystal • Quoted in the Rolling Stone article, which, stupidly, Rolling Stone isn’t milking on their Web site this morning. Instead, we have to go to CNN for excerpts, including one where he and his staff imagine dismissing Vice President Joe Biden with this one-liner: “Did you say ‘bite me’?” If dude doesn’t get fired over this, it’s gonna be a sad day. source

16 Jun 2010 21:24


Politics: Trial of the century: Could Rod Blagojevich become Rod Gagojevich?

  • yes Rod Blagojevich has been talking way too much during his corruption trial. It’s annoying.
  • no The judge hasn’t put a gag order on the former governor, but he could. We can’t wait. source

15 Jun 2010 23:17


Culture: The saga of Perez Hilton, Miley Cyrus and possible child porn

  • yes Perez Hilton recently posted a non-flattering shot of Miley Cyrus on Twitter.
  • no It did not look like she was wearing any underwear in the photo. *facepalm*
  • yes She’s only 17, which technically makes the saucy image child porn. *wince*
  • no That isn’t legal, and Hilton could be prosecuted for the image. *more wincing*
  • yes Hilton later denied the claims, saying she was in fact wearing underwear. source

03 Jun 2010 11:04


Politics: Rod Blagojevich: A man in need of a circus of a trial

Pretty much the best chance he has of winning his corruption trial is to be as blustery and over-the-top as possible. Wonder what Kato Kaelin is doing right now. source

03 Jun 2010 10:53


Politics: White House on Romanoff thang: There was no job offer, kids

  • Messina wanted to determine if it was possible to avoid a costly battle between two supporters. But Romanoff said that he was committed to the Senate race and no longer interested in working for the Administration, and that ended the discussion.
  • White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs • Regarding the situation with Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff. Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina had contacted the candidate before he officially ran for the Senate, but since he had his mind made up, it wasn’t happening. Still, though, expect people to dig for a controversy here. Because, hey, why the heck not. They need something to do, right? source