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14 May 2010 20:25


Tech: iPhone-gate: Gizmodo declined Jobs’ offer for business reasons

  • Right now, we have nothing to lose. The thing is, Apple PR has been cold to us lately. It affected my ability to do my job right at iPad launch. So we had to go outside and find our stories like this one, aggressively.
  • Gizmodo Editorial Director Brian Lam • In a written response to Steve Jobs after Jobs called. Lam wanted Apple to give him a written note saying the phone was real. Jobs declined, and the rest is history. This is bad for Gizmodo (and Brian Hogan) because the letter makes it clear that they put personal interests above doing the right thing. It sounds like extortion, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t it be crazy if this was enough to take Gizmodo, a major site, down? This makes it seem entirely possible. (A good summary of the legal documents is here.) source

14 May 2010 20:06


Tech: iPhone-gate: Steve Jobs called Gizmodo personally to get it back

  • Here’s how we imagine the call went: “Hi, this is Steve. You sons of #&((@& better give me my #(&@(&! phone back or I’m going to hit you with a legal thrust so hard you’ll cower the next time you see an Apple product. I hope you die of malaria, Brian Lam. There will be no net that wannabe philanthropist Bill Gates can give you that will protect you from MY wrath. You should see what I did to Eric Schmidt after he released the Nexus One. You’re the scum of the earth. Do what you know you should, #(&(@!(. BYE.” source

12 May 2010 10:24


Tech: Ho-hum: Another iPhone 4G prototype found in the wild

This one showed up in Vietnam and apparently was further along in the design process than the one lost in the Silicon Valley bar. It uses Apple’s A4 chip. source

24 Apr 2010 12:07


Tech: Steve Jobs and Co. not letting that lost iPhone thing go

  • yes There is an investigation regarding the lost iPhone that showed up on Gizmodo earlier this week.
  • no Gizmodo has yet to be contacted in the case. But there could be criminal action in the case. source

19 Apr 2010 20:57


Tech: The poor guy who lost the iPhone prototype likes German beer

  • iPhone update. We think we’ve identified the sorry Apple engineer who left the next-gen phone at the bar. Calling in a min.
  • Gawker Media founder Nick Denton • Regarding that iPhone prototype they just paid $5,000 for. The guy, who Gizmodo just wrote an article on, is a 27-year-old Apple software engineer named Gray Powell. Poor guy’s last Facebook update from the bar was, “I underestimated how good German beer is.” As famous last words go, perhaps not very revealing, but ones we can totally stand behind. We feel for you, Gray Powell. If you’re in D.C., call us. We’ll buy you a … rum and coke. Because beer is bad luck for you. source

19 Apr 2010 20:38


Tech: Was Gizmodo’s iPhone prototype score worth it? Seems so

  • $5,000 the amount Nick Denton paid source
  • 26,000 number of tweets the post has as of this writing source
  • 3 million number of hits the post got today – holy crap source

19 Apr 2010 11:04


Tech: Gizmodo says that iPhone lost in a bar isn’t fake, but actually real

  • The phone was remotely killed. The Daring Fireball dude says he called around and believes Apple lost a prototype. iTunes recognizes it as an iPhone. It uses MicroSIM, which no phones use (but the iPad 3G does). Most importantly, the guts of the phone are all labeled “Apple.” Holy crap. This is major. This may be the biggest leak to ever get out of Apple. source

18 Apr 2010 10:37


Tech: Protip: Don’t bring your iPhone prototype to the bar, idiot

  • This phone could be the next iPhone. It was reportedly found on the floor of a bar in San Jose, which is effin’ hilarious. If it turns out to be true, it seems like a little bit of a step back from prior designs. Somebody’s getting fired today. source
  • UPDATE: MacRumors is reporting that this is a Japanese counterfeit phone. It sure looks like one.

05 Mar 2010 13:05


Tech: Apparently, the Microsoft Courier isn’t a prototype. It’s real.

Apple should be shaking in its boots if the Courier is real, because it makes the iPad look completely pedestrian. It also uses the same OS as Windows 7 Series. source

22 Jul 2009 20:35


Tech, World: iPhone prototypes: Serious business in China – deathly serious

  • A Chinese worker for Foxconn was entrusted with a 4th Generation iPhone prototype. source
  • The worker lost the phone, told his bosses, freaked out, and killed himself last week. source
  • A Foxconn security guy was suspended, and Chinese police are investigating. source