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16 Dec 2009 09:40


Politics: Ben Bernanke? Time’s Person of the Year pick doesn’t impress us

  • How worthy is this choice? We realize why some might consider the choice of the Federal Reserve Chair just, but we argue even if you’re gonna go that route, Timothy Geithner and numerous CEOs have claim on this mantle. It’s an iffy choice at best. source


14 Jul 2009 20:31


U.S.: Sonia Sotomayor: Running through hoops like Sonic the Hedgehog

  • When I worked hard at trying to convince my colleagues of something after listening to them, they’ll often try it for a while. I mean, we’ll have to talk together. We’ll have to figure out that issue together.
  • Supreme Court justice candidate Sonia Sotomayor • On dealing with her potential fellow justices on issues of politics and hashing out disagreements. Sotomayor’s been putting on quite a show during her Senate hearings the last two days with the wording of her answers. She’s willing to be a critic of herself, correcting things she’d said that have been turned back on her, and overall keeping her composure in a situation that would knock others flat. No matter your political persuasion, she’ll probably be a good justice for these aspects alone. • source

30 May 2009 14:59


Sports: UNC’s Tyler Hansbrough to haters: Screw you, I’m still hot

  • I’m not worried about it. It’s just a bunch of people saying whatever they want. I think I’ll prove a lot of people wrong.
  • North Carolina superstar and future NBA draft pick Tyler Hansbrough • On his chances of replicating his success at UNC in the NBA. Hansbrough, the 2008 Naismith and Wooden awards winner, thinks that his style of play might actually be better-suited to the NBA due to the fact that there’s more one-on-one defending, while in college he “had three people guarding me for the past three years.” • source

29 May 2009 13:20


Politics, U.S.: People seem to generally like Sonia Sotomayor, a poll sez

  • 54% of those polled say that Obama’s justice pick is the bee’s knees source

27 May 2009 10:56


Politics, U.S.: Ah Rush, saying such soothing words about Sonia Sotomayor

  • Do I want her to fail? Yeah. Do I want her to fail to get on the court? Yes. She’d be a disaster on the court. Do I still want to Obama to fail as president? Yeah. … He’s going to fail anyway, but the sooner the better here so that as little damage can be done to the country.
  • Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh • Stuck between a rock and a hard place in criticism of Obama’s supreme court justice pick Sonia Sotomayor, who he called a “reverse racist.” The challenge that the GOP faces is that Hispanics make up a good portion of their base currently, and if they’re not careful, they could alienate them with their attacks. But Rush doesn’t care. Rush is Rush. • source

26 May 2009 11:13


U.S.: Five fast facts about SCOTUS justice pick Sonia Sotomayor

  • She’s a New Yawker of Puerto Rican descent and a huge Yankees fan. source
  • Her pedigree’s pretty sweet: She went to Princeton and Yale Law School. source
  • She was appointed as a trial judge in 1991 and upgraded to appeals in 1998. source
  • In 1995, she effectively ended the MLB baseball strike by blocking replacements. source
  • If she gets on the court, she’ll likely be a solid liberal vote. Well, duhhhh. source

26 May 2009 11:11


U.S.: Why you’ll like Sonia Sotomayor: She’s one of us.

  • I am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences.
  • Obama’s Supreme Court justice pick Sonia Sotomayor • On what she describes as “the most humbling honor of my life.” The biggest hurdle she’ll likely face to becoming a justice is that she hasn’t had to make any major decisions on abortion cases, BTW. • source

26 May 2009 08:35


Politics, U.S.: YAY POLITICS! Obama announces his SCOTUS pick today

  • That sound you hear is of D.C. politicians freaking izzout. It’s been hyped bigger than any summer blockbuster, and Obama’s ready to talk. He plans to announce it at 10:15 a.m., according to MSNBC. We hope it lives up to the hype. MSNBC says it’ll likely be Sonia Sotomayor, making for the court’s first Hispanic justice. Stay tuned for more blockbuster District of Columbia action! source