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26 Dec 2010 12:15


Politics: Robert Gibbs: Obama’s cabinet likely to stay mostly the same

  • I think we’ve had a very capable and good cabinet that has helped move the president’s agenda forward.
  • Obama’s Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs • Emphasizing that there shouldn’t be major changes to the cabinet on the horizon, despite the departure of at least one major figure, top economic adviser Larry Summers (he’s stepping down). However, not all reports agree with that assessment. Among other things Gibbs said on “State of the Union”: Obama is likely to run in 2012, though he hasn’t made it official yet, and he offered hope that the GOP would work more with Democrats in the upcoming session, referring to the “cranky bipartisanship” that the successful lame-duck session wrought. source

24 Dec 2010 16:17


Politics: Dear birther movement: Hawaii’s governor knew Obama’s parents

  • It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father — they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that. It’s an emotional insult, it is disrespectful to the president, it is disrespectful to the office.
  • New Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie • Expressing his anger over the “birther” movement – something he has a personal stake in because he was good friends with Obama’s parents when they first met and had Barack. So, just to shut those morons up, he’s working on ways to improve the law or offer even more details of Obama’s birth. We hope Abercrombie’s work means Orly Taitz will never be on TV ever again. source

24 Dec 2010 09:44


Politics: Gay marriage advocates, here’s a Christmas present from Joe Biden

  • I think the country’s evolving, and I think there’s an inevitability for a national consensus on gay marriage.
  • Vice President Joe Biden • Offering up the kind of phrase on “Good Morning America” this morning that will get gay marriage advocates cheering. They may even say that it’s a “big fucking deal” on a hot mic just as the president is gonna make an announcement. Now, if only he can get Obama on board for this … source

23 Dec 2010 13:46


U.S.: Will Rahm Emanuel be able to run for mayor of Chicago?

  • YES which means he’s basically destined to win source

23 Dec 2010 02:28


U.S.: We’re on our way to Hawaii to stalk Mr. Barack “what lame duck?” Obama

  • OK, not to be jerks to you guys, but we think we’ve put in a pretty good year of blogging. And, well, Obama’s in Hawaii, and Hawaii’s gonna be warm but rainy all weekend. In other words, perfect stalking weather. We want to follow the president along with his family and learn the truth … is Obama in fact Muslim? When he goes to open up presents under his palm tree on Christmas day, will there be a star on top of that palm tree? Or a crescent? The Coast Guard is watching out for people like us, but we’re watching out for people like the Coast Guard. Plus, we have hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw around! We can totally pay their $32,000 fine! Plus, Julius is a robot without any feelings! We don’t care if he goes to jail! (But seriously, this is a long way to say that we’ll be taking it easy for a few days, with fewer posts. Because we want to go to Hawaii to stalk Obama. That’s right! See you this weekend, Sasha and Malia!) source

21 Dec 2010 21:04


Politics: Yo Obama: Congress just gave you another triangulation opportunity

  • Remember how in 1995 when the government shut down? Well, guess what we just set ourselves up for in March? See, as a stopgap to avoid a massive omnibus spending bill from getting through the pipe with a crapload of earmarks, Congress agreed to set up a temporary spending bill that gets us into late Winter. (Obama should sign it before he heads off to Hawaii to be with the fam.) Which means that if Obama and the GOP are at one another’s throats come the Ides of March, the government could shut down 1995-style. Or Obama could switch parties and weird everybody out. Et tu, Brute? source

21 Dec 2010 20:40


Politics: No, we’ll be fine! Seriously: Democrats fight against Census claims

  • Democratic communities and constituencies have grown in size in states like Arizona, Florida, Nevada, and Washington. In states that will lose a seat, the number of Republicans who will be competing with each other creates opportunities for House Democrats.
  • Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel • Fighting against claims that today’s census numbers are very bad for Democrats. But let’s face it – they’re going to be very challenging for Obama, and Democrats overall, to fight. The only real Democratic stronghold that gained any seats was Washington, and Obama banked his victory on many of the states that lost electoral college votes. The amount we’re talking about wouldn’t have been enough to hurt Obama’s in 2008, but if the 2012 race is closer, it could hurt. source

17 Dec 2010 17:09


Politics: Ezra Klein: Obama’s brand power strong even with GOP House

  • Whatever the explanation, there appears to be more life in the Obama brand than the pundits might think, and than the Republicans might hope.
  • Policy superdude Ezra Klein • Reacting to a recent poll which suggests that Obama has stronger post-midterm stock than his two predecessors. While people trusted the other party to solve problems more than the president after the unsuccessful midterms for both Clinton (in 1994) and Bush (in 2006), Obama still has a little bit of  an advantage over the GOP this time around. “There’s been a lot of criticism of Obama’s communication skills lately,” Klein notes, “but if you look at the polls, he’s doing a far better job than his predecessors did preserving his brand within an unfriendly political environment.” source

17 Dec 2010 16:51


Politics: While his family celebrates Christmas, Obama keeps working

  • going Michelle Obama will be leading the family – including Sasha, Malia and Bo – on a holiday trip to Hawaii. They’ll be taking a small private jet there. (So don’t criticize her, like for that Spain trip in August!)
  • staying However, they’ll be missing dad over the weekend. Barack Obama will be staying home for a few more days to work on the many things Congress is trying to get passed. Take that, Jim DeMint. source

17 Dec 2010 00:27


U.S.: Obama gets his tax compromise, pulls off triangulation hat trick

  • Alright guys. Time to rock and roll. Obama got his tax compromise, even after House Democrats got all uncomfortable about it towards the end there. The process was a little tense, but eventually the House passed it as-is, 277 to 148. Obama learned the art of triangulation well from Master Sensei Bill Clinton, and will now be in the good graces of the GOP for approximately ten minutes. Savor them, Barack, because you’ve earned them. You only had to sell out the estate tax and a number of your people in your own party to do it. But sometimes, to Get Things Done, you have to do some selling out. This is why Superdrag isn’t on the radio anymore and Weezer is still going strong. Weezer Got Things Done. source