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27 Apr 2010 20:20


Biz: Goldman Sachs execs had a lot of sweat furrowing their brows today

  • They’re buying something from you, and you are betting against it. And you want people to trust you? I wouldn’t trust you.
  • Sen. Carl Levin • Talking in very harsh terms to Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein – a hearing put together in the wake of the SEC lawsuit against the company. He and other Goldman staffers looked really uncomfortable with being there, and Levin didn’t help – especially due to all the profanity he was using in criticizing them. He said “)*#(%@” eleven freaking times in a ten-minute period. source

26 Apr 2010 20:57


Biz: Wal-Mart’s bracing for a huge sex-discrimination lawsuit

  • one
    number of women that could
    sue Wal-Mart in a class action
    trial over unfair pay
  • nine
    amount of time this case
    has been winding through the
    federal courts source
  • » Oh, just an FYI: This court case is weeding its way through the Ninth Circuit Federal Appeals Court. Wal-Mart plans to appeal the case. If you remember our article from yesterday, this doesn’t bode well for the result.

26 Apr 2010 20:48


Tech: Three things you should know about the Apple/Gizmodo investigation

20 Apr 2010 10:17


Biz: SEC, Smesh-EC: Goldman Sachs kills it in quarterly profits

  • $3.46
    size of Goldman Sachs’ profits this quarter, which is kind of a lot
  • 91%
    the amount the company’s earnings went up from a year ago source

19 Apr 2010 23:17


Biz: The SEC wasn’t fully in favor of the Goldman Sachs lawsuit

  • 3-2 the vote which sealed the
    landmark suit’s fate source

14 Apr 2010 22:21


Politics: In Florida, bizarro hippies are suing over the movement’s name

  • Who are the real bizarro hippies, anyway? In December, just after the election that will prove whether or not the movement actually has steam, different strains of Florida hippies will find themselves in a courtroom debating if anyone has ownership of the the name. After lawyer Fred O’Neal registered the name for a political party, it became a big issue, especially after he and his partner Doug Guetzloe started strong-arming fellow groups not to use the name. Those fighting against O’Neal and Guetzloe claim they aren’t “real” bizarro hippies. Do they have tests for this? source

01 Apr 2010 23:09


U.S.: Can Arizona Gov. get around attorney general for health care lawsuit?

  • YES thanks legislature; now she’s gonna sue too! source

22 Mar 2010 20:05


U.S.: Health care’s next big battlefield? The fight over states’ rights

  • 11 states plan to sue the
    government over health care,
    ten in a class-action suit
  • 36 states have pending lawsuits,
    bills or legislation against the
    health care bill source

18 Mar 2010 20:39


Biz: Viacom and YouTube hate each other’s guts, are ready to fight

  • Oh boy, this is getting testy. YouTube and Viacom’s long-running lawsuit is still going on, and if anything, it’s heating up. On one side is Viacom, claiming the site was designed around copyright infringement. On the other is YouTube/Google, claiming that Viacom’s conduct suggests the company if full of hypocrites. Who’s right? Take a gander for yourself:

Viacom’s corner: “You’re stealing our stuff!”

  • YouTube was intentionally built on infringement and there are countless internal YouTube communications demonstrating that YouTube’s founders and its employees intended to profit from that infringement.
  • A statement from Viacom • Regarding what they feel is a culture of copyright infringement – a statement they released after documents from a lawsuit between the two firms became public today. Viacom first sued the Google-owned company in 2007 for $1 billion. They used old statements from the founders suggesting that they knew what they were doing – ripping off copyrighted content.

YouTube’s corner: “You guys are total hypocrites!”

  • Viacom routinely left up clips from shows that had been uploaded to YouTube by ordinary users. … Executives as high up as the president of Comedy Central and the head of MTV Networks felt ‘very strongly’ that clips from shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report should remain on YouTube.
  • YouTube Chief Counsel Zahavah Levine • Giving his take on the lawsuit and documents on the site’s blog. He argues that YouTube is following the “safe harbor” provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and Viacom themselves would send employees to a Kinkos for the singular purpose of uploading content to the site, going as far as “roughing up” the video to make it seem like it’s from a second-hand source. Oh, and allowing copyrighted video to just stay on the site. source

18 Mar 2010 10:26


Tech: HTC isn’t taking that whole Apple lawsuit thing lying down

  • HTC strongly advocates intellectual property protection and will continue to respect other innovators and their technologies as we have always done, but we will continue to embrace competition through our own innovation as a healthy way for consumers to get the best mobile experience possible.
  • HTC Chief Executive Officer Peter Chou • Regarding the lawsuit that Apple filed against it. They’re not backing down, which is probably a good move on their part. If anything, though, Google should figure out a way to help them, seeing as it’s, again, a proxy war. HTC notes that it’s made 50 smartphones since 2002, so they know a thing or two about innovation in the market. source