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22 Aug 2010 10:21


World: Pakistan getting the flood help it needs, at least financially

  • $800 million in aid from the rest of the world so far source

14 Aug 2010 13:01


World: UN: Aid for Pakistan flooding victims slow to come for many

  • 6 million are trying to row without a paddle, if you get our drift source

18 Jun 2010 22:27


World: Kyrgyzstan conflict: Holy crap, there’s a lot of people who need help

  • 1M number of people directly affected by the ethnic conflict
  • 191 number of people killed in the conflict since it started last week
  • $65M the amount of help the UN is trying to get the country source

15 Jun 2010 10:30


World: With rioting decreasing, Kyrgyzstan’s people assess the damage

This guy right here is in disbelief about the destruction caused to his home. On the plus side, aid is starting to come into the country. source

28 May 2010 18:47


U.S.: Obama on oil spill: It’s not going to be easy, but I have smart people

  • There are going to be a lot of judgment calls here. There are not going to be silver bullets or perfect answers.
  • Barack Obama • Speaking about the oil spill in Louisiana today. What are his plans? A few things. First off, check this site for the latest info on the response to the spill, which combines everything from all the involved parties. Second, he’s tripling the size of the response crews in Louisiana. Third, he’s keeping pressure on BP to pay for damages caused by the spill. Fourth, he’s going to help small business with loans needed due to the spill along with loan deferments for those they needed during Katrina. Finally, and most importantly, he’s approving a barrier island that will help prevent some of the oil from reaching shore. Will it help? Fingers crossed. source

10 May 2010 10:57


Biz: Which mortgage firm is asking for another government handout?

The company lost $13.1 billion in their last quarter, so now they’re hitting up the government for another $8.4 billion. Fannie’s too big to fail. source

31 Mar 2010 23:14


World: Haiti help: The international community should be proud of itself

  • $9.9 billion to help the quake-rocked nation recover source

06 Mar 2010 12:07


World: The U.S. is trying to help Somalia have a government again

  • There are limits to outside engagement, and there has to be an enormous amount of local buy-in for this work.
  • U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Johnnie Carson • Regarding the off-in-the-distance assistance  the country is giving the Somalian government in re-capturing Mogadishu, its capital, block by anarchy-ridden block. Why now? Simple. The U.S. is scared about the anarchic country’s increasing ties to Yemen and al-Qaeda. (Oh, and the pirates.) But they’re trying to help in a way that doesn’t bring back memories of the U.S.’ 1994 retreat from the country, which led to the anarchic state of affairs in the first place. “This is not an American offensive,” Carson said. “The U.S. military is not on the ground in Somalia. Full stop.” source

02 Mar 2010 20:26


Tech: Don’t hit the F1 key: Irony hits unpatched Windows XP computers

  • Press this key and your computer will blow up, Microsoft says. You gotta love the hilarious sense of humor that malware-makers have. People who use Internet Explorer in Windows XP should avoid pressing this key for the time being because a zero-day exploit can severely damage your computer if you use the help function. Well, that’s not very helpful! source

02 Feb 2010 09:51


U.S.: The recession’s leaving more people hungry, in need of charity

  • 46% rise in need at a leading hunger-relief charity source