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01 Jun 2010 10:41


Tech: These colorful blocks represent the fastest supercomputers

  • This may be one of the coolest infographics we’ve ever seen. This interactive work splits the relative speed of a bunch of supercomputers up a number of ways – by speed, by OS, by country – and looks awesome. Linux pretty much owns this market, by the way, and IBM and Intel have their fingers in the mix the most, although AMD, HP and Cray hold their own. source

22 Mar 2010 12:31


U.S.: Neat: Everyone in the U.S. could neatly fit into New Hampshire

  • So, if we all lived somewhere with the density of Brooklyn (which is packed, but comfortable), we could all fit into New Hampshire. How cool is that, kids? Kudos to Shane Keaney, who designed this clever graphic as part of a Good Magazine contest. Sadly, some of the graphics are a little messy compared to Shane’s, which does a great job of explaining a very detailed concept in incredibly simple terms. Great job, dude. If we had money, we’d give you a job blogging for us or something. source

04 Mar 2010 00:01


World: The BBC’s budget cuts: 6music barely a blip in the financial picture

  • We cropped on the most important part. Information is Beautiful’s graphic really shows that the cuts that the BBC is making are somewhat unfair (especially considering that the money for the company comes out of licenses on owning TVs). The BBC’s Web presence, while significant, is fairly small in comparison to everything else. And 6music, which is getting many words of morning from British musicians, is by far the smallest piece of the broadcasting pie. Lily Allen’s argument for the station is really well-informed and sweet. She calls the move political, and an attempt to appease Conservative politicians. source

08 Oct 2009 09:42


Tech: Here’s a big social media graphic for you kids to chew on

MySpace is dipping big time, Facebook is growing super-fast, and so is Twitter, except Twitter is still closer to the bottom than the top. source

21 Jun 2009 21:20


World: How Neda has become a rallying cry for Iranian protesters

  • The deeply distressing video is becoming a defining moment in Iran’s disputed elections, in both social media and mainstream publications.
  • Mashable blogger Pete Cashmore • On the ramifications of this awful, awful video (note: *incredibly* graphic content, please don’t say we didn’t warn you), which has gotten far-reaching mainstream recognition since Mashable posted it yesterday. The woman in the video, Neda, was shot directly in the heart despite the shooter having a clear shot at her. Her death has had the side effect of creating a moment for protesters to rally around. Could Neda’s death have the same significance as Tank Man did? Time will only tell. • source

12 Jun 2009 21:39


World: Wondering how Iran’s power structure works? Read this.

  • This is how the soup of democracy and supreme rulership is supposed to work. (Go to the BBC and look at the whole thing. It’s interactive.)source

30 May 2009 16:34



01 May 2009 12:30


Biz, U.S., World: China + U.S. trade is a complicated beast of a thing

Fortunately, super-cool finance web site has put together a cool graphic explaining it. source

29 Apr 2009 08:35


U.S.: Meet the motherlode of Obama 100 days data

The New York Times’ graphic is so thorough, you’ll spend 45 minutes poring it over. source

29 Mar 2009 21:48


Culture: If you were unaware of Twitter’s celebrity presence, look at this graphic

From Shaq to John McCain to ?uestlove, Twitter is the place to be if you’re a celebrity without an addiction to keep you busy. source