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10 May 2010 11:08


Politics: We analyzed Sarah Palin’s Facebook page for some reason

  • What kind of jokers post on her wall, anyway? We were curious, so we decided to dig in, and found that fans of “Going Rogue” and people who want her to run for President are most prevalent, but occasionally, she gets ripped on by her own conservative base. Why? Check out our latest AOL News article to find out. (Photo courtesy geerlingguy on Flickr.) source

04 Mar 2010 10:06


Politics: Sarah Palin decided “Going Rogue” not enough, writing another book

  • It’ll be “celebration of American virtues and strengths.” In Palin-ese. Months after the release of her 2.2-million-copies-and-counting first book “Going Rogue,” HarperCollins (which is owned by News Corp., which owns Fox News) will release a second book by the former VP candidate. No word on how much they’re paying her, but we hope her “American virtues and strengths” include letting her husband do the heavy lifting. source

25 Nov 2009 19:56


Politics: Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue” less like Bill Clinton, more like Hillary

  • How Sarah Palin’s book did:
  • 469,000 people went “Rogue”
  • How it compares to other political books:
  • 606,000 copies of Bill Clinton’s “My Life” sold in its first week
  • 440,000 copies of Hillary Clinton’s “Living History” sold in its first week source

20 Nov 2009 11:46


Politics: Meet Sarah Palin’s throng of clueless, uniformed supporters

  • Sure, what they initially said sounds good, but it becomes clear after talking to these people (who are waiting in line to meet Palin in Grand Rapids, Michigan) for more than two seconds that they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Which is why this clip rules.source

16 Nov 2009 21:30


Politics: Max Headroom special edition: Nobody will shut up about Sarah Palin

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • “All-American Nobody” On “The Ed Show,” MSNBC’s liberal sorta-answer to Glenn Beck, Ed Schultz, refers to Palin as an “All-Amerian Nobody” while emphasizing her role in losing the 2008 election. Dude, you could’ve totally gone with “All-American Reject” there, too!

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • “All-American Nobody” On “The Ed Show,” MSNBC’s liberal sorta-answer to Glenn Beck, Ed Schultz, refers to Palin as an “All-Amerian Nobody” while emphasizing her role in losing the 2008 election. Dude, you could’ve totally gone with “All-American Reject” there, too!

  • Annoyed at “Rogue” Some of the biggest targets of Sarah Palin’s scorn in “Going Rogue,” staffers working for John McCain in 2008, took shots at the former veep candidate on “Today” this morning. The mainstream press spin on the book: She’s just settling scores.

16 Nov 2009 11:08


15 Nov 2009 11:31


Politics: McCain staffer e-mails contradict Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue”

  • In Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue,” the former Vice Presidential candidate says she strongly supported the idea of going on SNL to refute Tina Fey’s spot-on impression of her. But that’s not what this e-mail, obtained by The Huffington Post from McCain staffers, suggests. There are other examples, but it appears “Going Rogue” is getting fact-checked by the press before it’s even out.source

13 Nov 2009 10:26


Politics: “Going Rogue” leak: Sarah Palin trashes Katie Couric & John McCain

  • Perhaps the biggest target of Sarah Palin’s scorn in “Going Rogue”? Katie Couric, with whom she had a miserable interview last year during the McCain campaign. The former vice presidential wannabe also says (according to Drudge, who got a copy of the book) that McCain’s people blocked her from having any meaningful discussion with the press. If you’ve heard her speak since, you know exactly why, and it’s probably better she was held back. In other news, Levi’s Playgirl shoot featured a hockey stick.source

28 Oct 2009 10:31


Politics: Sarah Palin’s plan of a big post-gubernatorial payday working

  • $1.25 million the amount Sarah Palin admitted she got advanced for writing “Going Rogue,” according to financial disclosure statements source

27 Oct 2009 10:18


Politics: A progressive publisher is “Going Rogue” on Sarah Palin’s book

  • So, which one of these editorial classics do you want to read? We were kinda hoping to read the one with Sarah Palin on the cover.source