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04 Dec 2010 21:30


Politics: Sarah Palin would rather crank up tunes than answer questions

  • That’s one way to avoid talking to people. At a recent book-signing in Iowa, the presidential aspirant went out of her way to avoid CNN’s questions – with her handlers literally drowning them out with music. Which is kinda sad/hilarious. If Palin can’t handle being asked questions by the lamestream media, how will she ever be president, a job which requires more media scrutiny than any other in the free world? We may never know. source

06 Sep 2010 10:44


Politics: Tony Blair decides that one tense book-signing is enough

Remember what happened in Dublin the other day, guys? Well, we’re not letting that happen in London! Shut it down! source

20 Nov 2009 11:46


Politics: Meet Sarah Palin’s throng of clueless, uniformed supporters

  • Sure, what they initially said sounds good, but it becomes clear after talking to these people (who are waiting in line to meet Palin in Grand Rapids, Michigan) for more than two seconds that they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Which is why this clip rules.source