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06 Jul 2009 09:41


U.S.: The FBI goes out on a limb to defend Sarah Palin

  • Normally, we don’t confirm or deny those kind of allegations out there. But, by not doing so, it just casts her in a very bad light. There is just no truth to those rumors out there in the blogosphere.
  • FBI Special Agent Eric Gonzalez • Regarding rumors that Sarah Palin was under investigation for corruption during her tenure as governor of Alaska. It’s interesting that they went out of their way to actually say something about it. So, in other words, she really did leave office because she wants to become president. • source

19 Jun 2009 09:33


Biz, U.S.: Everybody’s favorite ponzi schemer, R. Allen Stanford, in custody

  • He surrendered to FBI agents while hanging at hs gf’s place. Stanford, who’s on the hook for $8 billion in freaking fraud, was arrested last night in the case. According to his attorney, Dick DeGuerin, here’s how it went down: “Federal agents in black SUVs surrounded his girlfriend’s house this afternoon, and just sat there. I told him to walk out and introduce himself. So he did, and he asked them, ‘If you’ve got a warrant, take me into custody. If you don’t, I’m going to Houston.’ And they did, so they arrested him.” He’ll be in court today. source

07 Jun 2009 10:48


Culture: Classy: A Thai newspaper prints David Carradine death photos

  • His family is very upset about the photos. Body photos of Carradine, who might’ve died in a disturbing, accidental way, were apparently shown in a Thai newspaper. His family, clearly upset, has threatened to sue. Beyond the photos, Carradine’s family asked for assistance from the FBI in the case. Lawyer Mark Geragos, who works for David’s brother Keith, explains: “All we really know is not much more than what the public knows, and that’s disturbing.” source

02 Jan 2009 08:19


U.S.: Muslim family barred from AirTran flights

  • What happened The family, scheduled to fly yesterday, was detained after a passenger misconstrued comments they made about the “safest” spot to sit. The FBI questioned them and released them, but AirTran would not let them on another flight. source
  • What happened The family, scheduled to fly yesterday, was detained after a passenger misconstrued comments they made about the “safest” spot to sit. The FBI questioned them and released them, but AirTran would not let them on another flight.
  • Airtran says The family, who was headed from D.C. to Orlando on vacation, had the FBI’s go-ahead but not AirTran’s. Despite not booking the family on another flight, the company offered the family full refunds and an opportunity to fly for free in the future. source