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14 Feb 2011 13:18


Politics: Shirley Sherrod makes good on her promise to Andrew Breitbart

  • YES Shirley Sherrod has filed suit against Andrew Breitbart source
  • ยป Bad day for scurillous-ness: The former USDA official was famously the target of a heavily cut video clip that seemed to present her as a racist who withheld help to a white farmer. The aftermath saw a gross and shocking leap to conclusion by the USDA under Tom Vilsack, which forced her resignation, before some helpful skeptics examined the full video which showed she was making a point AGAINST racism. I’ll admit, this case does have relevant, personal importance for bloggers, as the man charged is in that sense “one of our own,” even ones that wouldn’t be caught dead at a Breitbart event. But notwithstanding, whether the charge of defamation is well-earned or not, some of Mr. Breitbart’s antics have been grossly deceptive and unscrupulous.

02 Jan 2009 08:19


U.S.: Muslim family barred from AirTran flights

  • What happened The family, scheduled to fly yesterday, was detained after a passenger misconstrued comments they made about the “safest” spot to sit. The FBI questioned them and released them, but AirTran would not let them on another flight. source
  • What happened The family, scheduled to fly yesterday, was detained after a passenger misconstrued comments they made about the “safest” spot to sit. The FBI questioned them and released them, but AirTran would not let them on another flight.
  • Airtran says The family, who was headed from D.C. to Orlando on vacation, had the FBI’s go-ahead but not AirTran’s. Despite not booking the family on another flight, the company offered the family full refunds and an opportunity to fly for free in the future. source