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21 Apr 2010 21:21


Politics: Eric Massa’s got an ethics investigation, tickling on his hands

  • Dude paid some big bills at a fairly bad time to pay big bills. The former New York congressman, who left in a storm of scandal, tickling and general idiocy, paid off nearly $70,000 in bills (including to a campaign manager) in the days after he left office. So that’s getting investigated. On top of that drama, House Ethics Committee thinks his case is worthy of its own investigative SUBCOMMITTEE. You’d think he hit on some pages over IM or something. source

16 Apr 2010 17:51


U.S.: Eric Massa’s chief of staff got a pretty nice parachute fund

  • $40,000 check just as Massa quit source

13 Apr 2010 21:25


Politics: Eric Massa loved his interns, but they didn’t love him back

  • It took a year of complaints to get Congress on Massa. So, let’s say you’re an employer, and you have a middle manager who keeps hitting on his interns and low-level staffers. He goes out of his way to puts them in weird situations. He says inappropriate things to them. And he talks a little salty at work. So, what do you do? If you’re senior Democratic staff, you keep it quiet for a year and let it blow up on Glenn Beck. Heck of a job, Brownie. source

11 Mar 2010 21:08


Politics: Eric Massa’s Navy days: Unwanted come-ons and “snorkeling”

  • When you’re on ship, you’re almost exhausted 24-7. So a lot of times you sleep with your uniform on. Tom and Massa shared a stateroom together. Massa climbed up on the top of his bunk, which is hard to do – you never crawl up on somebody else’s bunk. He wakes up to Massa undoing his pants trying to snorkel him.
  • Eric Massa’s Navy shipmate Peter Clarke • Regarding an attempted sexual assault by the former congressman against Tom Maxfield, a roommate. The Atlantic did some hard-hitting reporting on this one. Massa said something on Glenn Beck the other day to the effect that he wasn’t involved in anything like what he’s being accused of during his Navy days (despite the photos, oh the photos?), and reporter Joshua Green bothered to ask. Their response, collectively: Yes, he did. So why didn’t they say something then? Because he was seen as upwardly mobile. Some are suggesting Massa get investigated anyway. Yeah, he should. source

09 Mar 2010 22:40


Politics: Eric Massa is an infinite supply of comedy and backtracking

  • Between this and Debbie Medina, Glenn Beck is really starting to prove his worth as a part of the political conversation. Sure, he still has wacky moments, but his wacky moments are starting to get outweighed by astute observations such as this one, where he essentially admits that it was a waste to bring on former Rep. Eric Massa, who seemed just a wee bit uncomfortable with the appearance. In other news, the Washington Post actually wrote an article on whether lawmakers conduct political business while naked. The answer: Not really, though the showers are reportedly communal, so the Rahm incident could have happened. source

09 Mar 2010 18:37


Politics: Eric Massa says the greatest quote in the history of anything

  • I tickled him until he couldn’t breathe, and then four guys jumped on top of me. It was my 50th birthday. … You can take anything out of context.
  • Former N.Y. Rep. Eric Massa • Speaking on Glenn Beck’s Fox Ne … ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah … phew … ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah … oh my god he really said that… ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah … LOL. source

09 Mar 2010 10:19


Politics: Democrats calling Eric Massa’s bucket of crazy a bucket of crazy

  • I think this whole story is ridiculous. I think the latest excuse is silly and ridiculous. We’re focused not on crazy allegations but instead on making this system work for the American people rather than insurance companies.
  • White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs • Regarding the bowl of crazy Rep. Eric Massa alleged as he resigned yesterday. Other Democrats are denying the seeing-Rahm-naked allegations, too. Massa, by the way, will be on Glenn Beck today to defend himself. Get yo popcorn ready! source

08 Mar 2010 21:09


Politics: How awkward is it “to have a political argument with a naked man?”

  • Eric Massa has reportedly seen Rahm Emanuel naked. It’s a good thing this video doesn’t have any video in it, because it would probably be disturbing to watch. Anyway, Massa, a New York congressman who left office today under the weight of an ethics scandal involving a male staffer he made sexual comments to, decided to let ‘er rip on a radio show, calling Obama’s Chief of Staff the “son of the devil spawn.” Speaking of our boy Rahm, this New York Times profile piece on the dude looks incredibly entertaining.

06 Mar 2010 12:54


Politics: Yet another New York politician chewed up, spit out by scandal

  • In the incredibly toxic atmosphere that is Washington D.C., with the destruction of our elected leaders having become a blood sport, especially in talk radio and on the Internet, there is also no doubt that an ethics investigation would tear my family and my staff apart.
  • New York Rep. Eric Massa • On his decision to leave office early, as of Monday at 5 p.m. He was facing an ethics scandal regarding misconduct towards a male staff member. Rather than face that political sucker-punch, he chose to resign instead. He had already said he wouldn’t seek re-election due to health reasons. What is in the water in New York that creates so many political scandals? Jesus. source