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31 Aug 2010 21:42


Offbeat: Deep-fried beer from Texas: Because, well, why the hell not?

This little chunk of ravioliesque bread includes a little lump of beer. It’s been fried inside for 20 seconds – just long enough to keep it alcoholic. It’s not cheap, though, at $5. source

29 Aug 2010 10:59


Culture: Normal day: Drunk Russell Brand prowling NYC in cane, top hat

And he’s getting paid for it, too. See, Brand is the star of “Arthur,” the upcoming remake of the 1981 Dudley Moore flick. source

11 Apr 2010 21:39


Offbeat: Tactical Nuclear Penguin: Incredibly strong beer landing stateside

  • This beer could make you drunk, fast. That’s because it has an unheard-of 32 percent alcohol by volume, which is six times as strong as your average crap beer. The Scottish beer is so strong that includes this entertaining warning label: “This is an extremely strong beer; it should be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance. It is exactly the same manner you would enjoy a fine whisky, a Frank Zappa album or a visit from a friendly yet anxious ghost.” Julius has already had a six-pack. Over the span of a month. source

09 Jan 2010 18:27


World: A couple drunk guys make a bomb threat on a Dubai-bound plane

  • Great job guys. You freaked out everyone at Heathrow. Robert Fowles of Dover, England, was charged yesterday with making a bomb threat and being drunk on a plane headed for Dubai. His buddy, Alexander McGinn, was also charged. Maybe the stewards misinterpreted what Fowles said – i.e. “I just got BOMBED at a T.G.I. Friday’s airport bar while waiting for this flight!” They have T.G.I. Friday’s in Britain, right? source

06 Jan 2010 10:59


U.S.: The saga of “Drunk Bus Driver” leads to jail time. With video!

  • When the students on the bus seem to have more control than the driver, you know you probably shouldn’t be a bus driver. In this tense video, a New York bus driver, Martha Thompson, left students at her mercy, believing she was fine. She blew a .15 on the breathalyzer. She’ll now be spending the next 12 weekends in jail after pleading guilty to 37 child endagerment counts. The video alone is worth the wild ride. source

01 Jan 2010 19:18


World: Russian vodka price hike: How do you write “this sucks” in Cyrillic?

  • 89 ruble, or $3, minimum price for vodka in Russia source

10 Nov 2009 09:55


U.S.: The scariest drunk-girl-nearly-hit-by-train video we’ll post today

  • This hair-raising video should teach you a lesson – when you’re drunk and about to get on the train, stay far away from the yellow line. The woman involved nearly got hit by a train in Boston after falling on the tracks almost immediately before the train came by. The train stopped within an inch of her life. Thank God.source

05 Nov 2009 09:55


Offbeat: Protip: If you pee on a wartime memorial, you’re probably drunk

  • The image of your urinating over the poppy wreath on the war memorial in this city will make most turn away in disgust, shock and sadness.
  • District Judge Anthony Browne • Describing Phillip Laing’s actions, which included urinating on a war memorial in Sheffield, England. The sports technology student at Sheffield Hallam University, 19, claims he doesn’t remember the October 11 incident and that he was “very, very drunk, the drunkest I’ve ever been since I’ve been at university.” Dude just needed some relief! • source

18 Oct 2009 12:04


Offbeat: This guy’s a little too drunk to be getting more beer

  • If we were ever this drunk, one of you would tell us to stop, right? This guy has to hold his drunk self up by the door handle of the cooler where the beer’s at.source

07 Oct 2009 21:21


Sports: Ah, high school football: A drunk fan smacks a ref with a chair

  • There’s a good two minutes of buildup before the pretty awesome payoff. Trust us, stick with it. Stadium chair-on-referee violence beckons.source