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22 May 2009 12:47


Sports: Chauncey BIllups: Off Kobe’s back, into my hands, nothing but net

  • Billups apparently has been practicing his underhanded playground basketball techniques lately. Because Kobe didn’t see this one coming at all.source

20 May 2009 08:50


Sports: Schedule conflict showdown: The Denver Nuggets vs. The WWE

  • The fans in Denver had a lot more faith in making the playoffs than the owner.
  • WWE Chairman Vince McMahon • On the upcoming schedule conflict between an episode of Monday Night Raw shooting in Denver and Monday’s Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals, which takes place in Denver. Neither wants to budge. The owners are more likely to budge McMahon, by the way. And you know what? Dude’s absolutely right. Why would you book this event at this time of year, owners of the Pepsi Center in Denver? • source

28 Apr 2009 12:19


Sports: The Nuggets made the Hornets cry, they beat them so bad

  • 58 points separated Denver from Nola in last night’s playoff win source

18 Jan 2009 10:50


Sports: Mark Cuban’s got a fine to pay. So he might as well make a point.

  • Why in their names? As a reminder of what could have happened, and that not every retaliation attempt misses. Tragedy can be one swing or one elbow away.
  • Mark Cuban • Dallas Mavericks owner, who has to pay a $25,000 fine after an incident involving the Denver Nuggets’ J.R. Smith. Cuban wants to give a $25,000 charity donation in the names of of Todd Bertuzzi and Steve Moore, two NHL players involved in a physical encounter during a game that led to the end of Moore’s career. • source