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11 Apr 2011 14:17


Politics: Emphasis on the “sideshow”: NY Daily News clowns up Trump

  • Sideshow Don is grinning: The ever-outrageous New York Daily News had some fun with the war of words between Donald Trump and David Plouffe (or, really, between Trump and anyone/thing affiliated with Barack Obama). At least it’s a smiling picture? (EDIT: The cutout of Trump’s hair is easily the worst we’ve ever seen.) source

01 Feb 2011 22:23


U.S.: Can anyone make out the United States on this map?

  • We think this is the United States. It looks like it has the outline of the U.S. But for some reason, there’s all this weird white stuff on top of it clouding out most of the details. Can anyone figure out what’s going on here? (thanks identitymisplaced) source

12 Jun 2010 13:10


17 Nov 2009 09:58


Politics: The most annoying piece of Sarah Palin coverage we’ve seen

  • Sarah Palin took this photo (which we’re running in full, just to emphasize how annoying it is) for Runner’s World Magazine. Newsweek got a hold of it and turned it into a piece essentially calling her everything that’s wrong with our country. Palin got upset and went to Facebook to criticize it last night, turning a non-story – again – into a story. And the cycle begins anew.source

05 Nov 2009 09:06


Music: Carl Sagan is so cool Jack White covers his hit records

  • Jack White is releasing a cover of “A Glorious Dawn,” a Carl Sagan-meets-autotune-meets-mashup ditty (featuring special guest Stephen Hawking), which is kind of like “Autotune the News” for famous scientists. What’s crazy is that it’s a full-featured pop song with multiple choruses. And now White’s covering it and releasing it as a 7″ vinyl record. Neat. (Note how we completely ignored the other news at the link. There’s a reason for that.)source

27 Oct 2009 10:18


Politics: A progressive publisher is “Going Rogue” on Sarah Palin’s book

  • So, which one of these editorial classics do you want to read? We were kinda hoping to read the one with Sarah Palin on the cover.source

19 Oct 2009 09:58


Music: Cello-playing dude covers LCD Soundsystem’s “Someone Great”

  • LCD Soundsystem never sounded so … regal. “Someone Great” is one of LCD Soundsystem’s best songs, and experimental cellist Andrew Carter brings it into a realm of beauty that not even the original reaches. We’re impressed.source

09 Oct 2009 23:07


Culture: Marge Simpson porn fans rejoice thanks to creepy Playboy cover

  • If you think she looks hot now, just wait until she starts talking in that sexy, nagging, bus driver voice which she’s perfected. Man, we can’t wait until some kid is just like, “Mommy, but I want a Playboy! The Simpsons are in it!”source

28 Aug 2009 10:50


Music: That Bob Dylan Christmas album now has a cover

Bacon in a can

This cover looks like the kind of cover Bob Dylan would use for a Christmas album – traditional, with the air of a tongue implanted firmly in cheek. May we just say that we're actually excited about the prospect of "Christmas of the Heart" (which hits in October)? It has that appeal that the Scarlett Johansson album of Tom Waits covers did for us. source

10 Jul 2009 18:24


Music: Hallelujah, we agree with Leonard Cohen on this fact

  • I was just reading a review of a movie called Watchmen that uses it, and the reviewer said ‘Can we please have a moratorium on Hallelujah in movies and television shows?’ And I kind of feel the same way. I think it’s a good song, but I think too many people sing it.
  • Singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen • On the overdone popularity of his song “Hallelujah,” which he’s famous for by numerous proxies – Jeff Buckley, Rufus Wainwright, Kate Voegele, Jason Castro, and the list goes onnnn and onnnnnnnnnn. Someone kill this freaking song already! It’s like a roach. • source