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17 Apr 2011 21:33


U.S.: Yikes: Playboy Mansion spreads disease that infects dozens

  • 123 people got ill from legionella bacteria, aka Legionnaires’ disease
  • 69 of those people got sick on the same day in February as the event
  • 79 people reported their illness on social media sites — fascinating source
  • » Guess where the root cause was? If you said the hot tub at the Playboy Manion, you’d be correct. Oh boy. It’s like the setup is right there, begging for a really bad joke to be made. We … just … can’t … do … it.

17 Mar 2011 23:57


Culture: Not what you think: Helen Thomas appearing in Playboy in April

“I knew exactly what I was doing — I was going for broke,” the disgraced Dean of the White House Press Corps says in her first major interview since being fired. (via producermatthew) source

10 Jan 2011 10:32


Biz: Hugh Hefner takes Playboy private: Insert (heh heh) dirty joke here

  • $207 million for Hefner to take Playboy private again source
  • » Why’s he doing this? Simply put, the magazine business is not what it once was, especially in the soft-core sexiness department. And the publisher of Penthouse tried to buy Playboy away for $210 million. But the 84-year-old Hef wasn’t having that.

27 Dec 2010 09:20


Culture: Hugh Hefner somehow getting 23-year-old Playmate to marry him

  • These are the words of a man who’s getting engaged to a woman three-and-a-half times his age. That’s right, our boy Hef is getting hitched to Crystal Harris, a playmate who at 23 years of age should make Hugh Hefner’s 84-year-old bones feel brittle in comparison. How does he do it? We mean that in more ways than one. source

16 Aug 2010 23:01


Culture: Good show: Pee-Wee Herman finally opens up about his scandals

  • Keep in mind I got arrested at the same time the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer’s story was breaking—and yet my story led the news for five days in a row. This man killed lots of people, drilled holes in their heads and poured acid into them. And he got the second spot on the news, after me.
  • Paul “Pee-Wee Herman” Reubens • Finally talking about his infamous 1991 arrest in Playboy. Reubens, who has been on the comeback trail in recent years, finally opened up about that situation, along with a fairly thin 2003 obscenity conviction that was later erased from his record. Good show, Paul. Glad to see you making a comeback (a movie, reportedly with Judd Apatow, is in the works) and opening up about the toughest times of your life. It’s very brave of you to finally tell your side of the story. source

26 Apr 2010 21:57


Culture: Hugh Hefner helps save the “Hollywood” sign, ’cause he’s awesome

The Playboy publisher donated the last $900,000 needed to help conserve the Tinseltown landmark. He calls the sign “Hollywood’s Eiffel Tower.” source

10 Feb 2010 21:39


Culture: John Mayer says a bunch of stupid crap, apologizes profusely

  • They don’t make rehab centers for being an a-hole.
  • John Mayer • Regarding his over-the-top interview with Playboy, which was something else. Dude talked about his sex life with Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson, used the N-word (which he claims he tried, and failed, to intellectualize in the interview), and compared his penis to white supremacist David Duke. All in all, holy crap. At least he realizes it was a bad idea and is attempting to make amends for it. source

09 Oct 2009 23:07


Culture: Marge Simpson porn fans rejoice thanks to creepy Playboy cover

  • If you think she looks hot now, just wait until she starts talking in that sexy, nagging, bus driver voice which she’s perfected. Man, we can’t wait until some kid is just like, “Mommy, but I want a Playboy! The Simpsons are in it!”source

13 Jul 2009 14:42


U.S.: Alec Baldwin expresses his desire to run for public office…in Playboy

  • I’d love to run against Joe Lieberman. I have no use for him.
  • Actor and Democrat Alec Baldwin • On who his dream opponent would be if he ever entered the political arena. In a new interview with Playboy, the 30 Rock star teased for the kajillionth time that he might run for public office – but this time he was more specific, saying he might end up somewhere in New York…if he ends up anywhere, that is.  • source

28 May 2009 10:30


Biz, Culture: A Virgin is rumored to be in the running to buy Playboy

  • Richard Branson apparently wants the struggling company. Playboy Enterprises, the empire built and controlled by Hugh Hefner, has seen better days for its stocks, but shareholders are optimistic that the company might be bought out. The Virgin-owning billionaire seems to be the best bet for that right now, but Hef apparently still wants to hand the company down to his sons. Ah, nothing like keeping tasteful nudity in the family. source