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18 Dec 2009 19:13


Politics: Let’s use a metaphor to explain the climate change deal

  • Like riding a bike Let’s say you gave yourself two weeks to learn how to ride a bike, hoping you’d be able to ride around the neighborhood with your friends. But your mom was scared you might ride too far away, so you rode around the block a few times using training wheels. You’d been working on it, hoping you could eventually take off your training wheels.
  • Hopes dashed A couple weeks later, you ask your dad (who’s been absent lately, on account of work) if you can ride your bike around the neighborhood. Your dad said no. However, he’ll let you take off the training wheels and said things will change “someday.” Problem is, by the time “someday” comes, your friends won’t be around anymore.
  • Metaphor to realityThe “bike” is climate change. The “training wheels” are the deal in Copenhagen. “Mom” is the U.S. and other western powers, and “Dad” is Barack Obama. Your “friends” are other, less powerful nations who were held at the G8’s mercy. And, well, the “neighborhood” is how far we can go with emissions. We failed today, guys. Badly. source

18 Dec 2009 15:24


Music, World: Thom Yorke: “Our leaders are fully aware they are in disgrace”

  • obama said nothing though i have not seen all the speech yet. i feel very sad for all americans i know who hold so much hope for this man. still.. i guess the day isnt over. its 3pm on friday ( though it should have finished by now). and our leaders are fully aware they are in disgrace.
  • Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke • In a report on the climate change conference in Copenhagen. Our boy got a press pass and got to see it all from the inside, rather than the view that protesters got from the outside. When you’ve lost the lead singer of Radiohead, you’ve lost the indie kids. source

18 Dec 2009 08:53


U.S., World: Perhaps Obama should’ve been in Copenhagen longer than a day

  • We are running short on time. And at this point, the question is whether we will move forward together, or split apart. Whether we prefer posturing to action.
  • Barack Obama • Trying to set a mood at the Copenhagen climate change summit, which has fallen over on itself in a mess of infighting, criticism and so on and so forth. The Guardian seems to play it off as a terrible speech that promised little, though we’ve seen few places that agree with them so far. In other news, China isn’t offering much of anything either. source

17 Dec 2009 09:16


U.S.: If they can make a climate change deal, the U.S. will help – big time

  • $100 billion in U.S. help to fight global warming source

16 Dec 2009 10:07


World: Copenhagen protesters: “We are peaceful. What about you?”

  • We haven’t been covering Copenhagen a ton for a number of reasons, mainly that not a lot is going to happen with the conference until Obama shows up at the end of the week. But the protests are still pretty interesting. This clip shows the chasm between the police and the many protesters better than most we’ve seen.

12 Dec 2009 18:25


World: Terrible: Check out how protesters in Copenhagen were arrested

Hands bound, forced to sit on the street late at night – this may be one of the most disturbing photos we’ve seen. Nearly 1,000 protesters were arrested. source

12 Dec 2009 10:32


World: A bunch of hippie environmentalists descend upon Copenhagen

This guy’s probably expecting everyone standing around him to select yes on his poll. We’d prefer to be more suspenseful than that. source

09 Dec 2009 20:43


World: Tuvalu now known for something besides their top-level domain

  • They took a pretty noteworthy stance in Copenhagen today. The 12,000 people of the island nation get the benefit of a voice at the climate change conference, and they used it to request that the treaty created be stronger than the 12-year-old Kyoto treaty, which the bulk of the world (but, notably, not the U.S.) agreed to. Tuvalu wants to see both developed and developing countries cut emissions. Why the tough stance? Well, they’re an island in the middle of the ocean susceptible to rising tides. Duh. souce

08 Dec 2009 10:19


Politics: Climate change expert: That e-mail controversy no big thang

  • Well, I can tell you, privately when I talk to my friends, I use language much worse than that. This was purely private communications between friends, between, colleagues, they were letting off steam. I think we should see it as nothing more than that.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chairman Rajendra Pachauri • Throwing in his two cents on the climate change hacked e-mail scandal. He points out that even if they were trying to push inaccurate information into reports, the reports are peer-reviewed so it would’ve never gotten through. “There are so many checks and balances in the processes and procedures that we follow at the IPCC, there is not one iota of possibility that something like this would happen,” he said. source

07 Dec 2009 10:37


U.S.: The EPA calls a spade a spade, says greenhouse gases a danger

  • This is a big deal, guys. The Obama administration now has a new tool to cut down on greenhouse gases. It’s the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA now will formally say that greenhouse gases are a danger to human health – something which will give them the right to do something even if Congress doesn’t act on regulating carbon emissions. Good timing, too, what with that whole Copenhagen emissions summit thingy starting up today. source