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18 Feb 2011 09:58


Music: VIDEO: Radiohead’s awkward-dance-heavy “Lotus Flower”

  • Never have we been so excited to see a middle-aged man dancing like a rockstar. Welcome back, Thom Yorke. Your fans missed you. The song rules, too – a clear continuation of “In Rainbows”-era awesomeness. Oh yeah, the album’s out now, not tomorrow. source

09 Jun 2010 11:27


Music: Thom Yorke says what we were all thinking about the music industry

  • When the corporate industry dies it will be no great loss to the world. So don’t tie yourself to the sinking ship because, believe me, it’s sinking.
  • Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke • Discussing the fall of music industry capitalism in a British textbook. He seems to have a good handle on this. He left his big corporate label, EMI, just a couple years before they fell into particularly dire straits. EMI is now the property of private equity firm Terra Firma, and since the 2007 acquisition, they’ve had massive debt and restructuring problems. (via Pitchforksource

18 Dec 2009 15:24


Music, World: Thom Yorke: “Our leaders are fully aware they are in disgrace”

  • obama said nothing though i have not seen all the speech yet. i feel very sad for all americans i know who hold so much hope for this man. still.. i guess the day isnt over. its 3pm on friday ( though it should have finished by now). and our leaders are fully aware they are in disgrace.
  • Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke • In a report on the climate change conference in Copenhagen. Our boy got a press pass and got to see it all from the inside, rather than the view that protesters got from the outside. When you’ve lost the lead singer of Radiohead, you’ve lost the indie kids. source

29 Sep 2009 11:00


Music: Thom Yorke’s new backup band features Flea. Yes, THAT Flea.

Thom Yorke and his backup band
  • Despite having a super-famous Red Hot Chili Pepper as his bassist, the rest of the Radiohead singer’s solo band certainly couldn’t be called a cast of unknowns either. They include really well-known session drummer Joey Waronker, Brazilian-born Mauro Refosco and Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich. Oh, and Flea. Wasn’t he in The Big Lebowski?source

08 Aug 2009 10:30


Music: Radiohead’s in no rush to make a new album. Sadly.

  • The next LP? Not right away Thom Yorke admitted this much in a recent issue of The Believer, causing thousands of hipsters to have early-onset heart attacks. “None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again,” says Yorke. “Not straight off.” Part of it is that they don’t want to do an album like “In Rainbows” again. Yorke continues: “Not that it’s not good, I just can’t… bear… that.” source
  • The next LP? Not right away Thom Yorke admitted this much in a recent issue of The Believer, causing thousands of hipsters to have early-onset heart attacks. “None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again,” says Yorke. “Not straight off.” Part of it is that they don’t want to do an album like “In Rainbows” again. Yorke continues: “Not that it’s not good, I just can’t… bear… that.”
  • Expect one-offs instead Radiohead, however, will continue to release special one-off things, such as “Harry Patch [In Memory Of],” the memorial song they created for a World War I soldier who recently died. Orchestral work is also on the table. Despite the awesomeness of projects like this, “In Rainbows” is evidence of the LP’s greatness and it’d be a shame to see them stop. source

18 May 2009 22:49


Music: OMG OMG OMG Radiohead’s recording a new album! OMG!

  • It’s at the stage where we’ve got the big Lego box out and we’ve tipped it out on the floor and we’re just looking at all the bits and thinking what’s next?
  • Radiohead bassist Colin Greenwood • On the startings of another album from the British superstars. If it’s half as good as “In Rainbows,” we can’t wait. Also, Thom Yorke regularly says awesome things. • source

16 May 2009 22:58


Music, Politics: Thom Yorke goes ME ANGRY AARGH at big oil companies

  • i have been reading how the oil industry is investing millions of dollars in a PR campaign against it! how utterly dumbass is that? how do these people look their children in the eye?
  • Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke • On the oil industry’s continuing campaign to stop the passage of a climate change bill in congress. Obama supports the bill, BTW. • source

13 Mar 2009 14:34


Music, Politics: Thom Yorke hopes he didn’t offend you by doing nothing

  • wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you’re not one of those people i have managed to offend by doing nothing xx
  • Thom Yorke • In a recent post talking about his South American tour, but bringing light to the imagined conflicts created by Miley Cyrus and Kanye West • source

01 Mar 2009 01:38


Music: Kanye’s back to what he does best: Priceless quotes

  • Can’t we give Chris a break? … O.J. Simpson, amazing. Is he not? What he did, when he did, what he did. Was he not amazing though?
  • Kanye West • During a “VH1 Storytellers” performance. West was making an attempt to, uh, try to convince people that Chris Brown wasn’t such a bad guy. He referred to Michael Phelps and Michael Jackson in the same context. West also spoke of a Thom Yorke snub at the Grammys, a snub that made him sad because dude’s a big fan of Radiohead. • source