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13 Mar 2009 14:34


Music, Politics: Thom Yorke hopes he didn’t offend you by doing nothing

  • wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you’re not one of those people i have managed to offend by doing nothing xx
  • Thom Yorke • In a recent post talking about his South American tour, but bringing light to the imagined conflicts created by Miley Cyrus and Kanye West • source

01 Mar 2009 22:50


Culture, World: Iran: Mickey Rourke offends us. Apologize. Now.

  • The country wants an apology from Hollywood. The movies “300” and “The Wrestler,” specifically, greatly ticked off the country – “300” for its depiction of Persians and “The Wrestler” for a scene where Rourke rips up an Iranian flag while fighting a Arab stereotype. Personally, we want an apology from the makers of “300” for inflicting the “We Are Sparta” internet meme onto the world. It’s annoying. Apologize. Now. source