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25 Nov 2010 22:20


World: WHO: Second-hand smoke kills hundreds of thousands each year

  • 600,000 the number of people worldwide who die each year as a result of second-hand smoking (cough, cough)
  • 165,000 the number of children killed each year by second-hand smoke; they’re most heavily exposed to it source

16 Aug 2010 11:03


World: How bad is Pakistan’s flooding? This number puts it in sharp relief

  • 3.5 million children are susceptible to water-bourne disease source

14 Jul 2010 11:12


Biz, World: At least Kate Gosselin’s kids aren’t working for Philip Morris

Apparently kids as young as ten are making painful livings harvesting tobacco for Philip Morris, says Human Rights Watch. source

20 Jun 2010 11:38


Culture: Slowly but surely, Michael Jackson’s kids becoming normal(ish)

  • They don’t have any friends. They don’t go to school, they have private lessons at home – but that will change in September, when they are due to enroll at private college.
  • Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson • On her grandkids’ future as actual human beings who may actually have friends. The three kids – Prince, Paris and (our favorite) Blanket – plan to go to school. RIght now, they spend their days hanging around and listening to their father’s music. They have big aspirations, though – Prince wants to produce movies and Paris is musically-inclined. And we’re pretty sure none of them own llamas yet. When they’re old enough to buy one, we know where they could get one on the black market. source

29 May 2010 13:10


Politics: Average day: Glenn Beck says something stupid, apologizes

  • In discussing how President Obama uses children to shield himself from criticism, I broke my own rule about leaving kids out of political debates. The children of public figures should be left on the sidelines. It was a stupid mistake and I apologize–and as a dad I should have known better.
  • Glenn Beck • In an apology posted to his Web site this morning. What was it about? Well … he basically used Obama’s daughter Malia to criticize Obama, playing off a question she asked the president. Using “Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?” as a starting point, Beck asked a bunch of questions in that style, reaching a head with “Daddy…why do you hate black people so much?” Yeah. Malia’s going to be scarred for life because of this torrent of in-bad-taste commentary from Glenn Beck. Or not. source

29 Apr 2010 11:16


World: Scary: Unemployed, mentally ill guy attacks school in China

  • 28 children stabbed in the incident; five were critically wounded source

03 Mar 2010 20:56


U.S.: Hey mom! Kids are craving more snacks! Give them sugar!

  • 27% of children’s calories now come from eating junk food like chips and snacks
  • 168 number of snack calories added to childrens’ daily diets since 1977, which sounds tasty
  • 13½ number of pounds that fattening addition to their diets means each year; mmm source

13 Feb 2010 13:21


U.S.: Fat children apparently “set” as fat kids at really early ages

  • 50% of overweight teens were overweight by 24 months of age
  • 90% of overweight teens were overweight by 5 years of age source

08 Feb 2010 21:30


U.S., World: Sick Haitian kids can’t get to U.S. hospitals due to red tape

  • 15 number of Haitian children airlifted to U.S. hospitals each day before the Baptist missionaries were arrested
  • three number of children airlifted daily now; other kids are getting held back due to paperwork issues source

04 Feb 2010 21:31


World: The accused Haitian kid-nappers formally charged with abduction

  • 15 number of years in prison the Baptists could face source