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27 Feb 2011 22:40


Culture: Did Charlie Sheen’s sidelining expose a double-standard?

  • So the message from CBS and Warner Brothers seems clear: abuse yourself and the women around you to your heart’s content, but do not attack the golden goose.
  • New York Times columnist David Carr • Pointing out the elephant in the room with the Charlie Sheen/”Two and a Half Men” situation, which is that Sheen did a number of things arguably worse than any of his current drama – and to women, even – but insulting his boss ended up being the thing that got him fired. It’s a good point, and one that shouldn’t get overlooked as CBS attempts to figure out what happens next.  source

25 Feb 2011 13:37


Culture: Charlie Sheen: Oh, I was just calling Chuck Lorre by his “real name”

  • I was referring to Chuck by his real name, because I wanted to address the man and not the @(!&%$(! persona.
  • Charlie Sheen • Explaining why he called his “Two and a Half Men” boss, Chuck Lorre, by his Jewish name, Chaim Levine. Not that this is going to appease Jewish groups. “By invoking television producer Chuck Lorre’s Jewish name in the context of an angry tirade against him,” says Anti-Defamation League national director Abraham H. Foxman, “Charlie Sheen left the impression that another reason for his dislike of Mr. Lorre is his Jewishness.” Hey Charlie, may we offer a word of advice for you? You know why you don’t really see Mel Gibson in many movies these days? It’s because he said things like this. source

18 May 2010 10:18


Culture: Charlie Sheen decides not to cut down “Two and a Half Men”

  • Dude was talking about leaving the series. Look, Charlie Sheen‘s had a weird year. He’s been the subject of domestic violence calls (and hilarious mug shots). Some guy ganked his SUV and drove it down a cliff. And he’s constantly in the tabloids. It’s hard to forget sometimes that he still has time for a hit series. But the “Two and a Half Men” star will stay with the show for at least two more seasons, building it’ll likely be on for nine total. Well, as long as that domestic violence trial in Aspen goes his way. source

05 Feb 2010 11:15


Culture: Charlie Sheen’s SUV driven off steep cliff – without Charlie Sheen

  • The quote in this article from Sheen is hilarious. This morning, Charlie Sheen’s Mercedes SUV was found driven off a cliff after it was stolen last night. Nobody was found inside. This morning, Sheen made perhaps the best one-liner in his entire career: “It was nice to have police come to my house and for once and I didn’t have to leave with them.” LOL. Pitch perfect. source

29 Dec 2009 10:06


Culture: Is Charlie Sheen the Teflon Sheen? Observers say he is

  • Charlie Sheen has bounced back from various scandals, and I don’t think anyone expects anything more from him. Bad-boy behavior is part of his persona that’s been a work in progress since the 1980s. He has bounced back time and time again.
  • Public relations expert Vanessa J. Horwell • On why Charlie Sheen can do things like get in domestic violence disputes (with hilarious mug shots), accidentally shoot his girlfriend (I’m really sorry, Kelly) and show up prominently on the Hollywood Madam’s list without seeing any visible effect on his career. It’s because, unlike Emilio, everything rolls off him. It’s his sheen (*rimshot!*). source

25 Dec 2009 19:40


25 Dec 2009 19:34


Culture: Mugshot alert: Charlie Sheen arrested on domestic violence charges

  • On the scale of celebrity police mugshots, pretty high. OK, it’s no Nick Nolte. Mel Gibson might be slightly better. But it definitely outdoes Charles Barkley and a few others. Charlie Sheen, he of family-friendly image thanks to “Two and a Half Men,” was arrested on domestic violence charges in Aspen, Colorado this morning. He’s spending the day in jail. source

13 Jul 2009 22:52


U.S.: Cheney’s secret CIA operation was just like “Hot Shots! Part Deux”

  • To continue the trend of linking old movies to current events we started last week, here goes: Imagine Charlie Sheen as the U.S. military, fighting a war on terror, somewhat ineptly. Imagine Saddam Hussein to be all terrorists, especially the leaders of al-Qaeda. Imagine President Lloyd Bridges to be President Dick Cheney (’cause we all know who wore the pants in the White House). And imagine the fireplace as the drama that the CIA is facing right now because of the story we’re linking to.source