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20 Jan 2010 21:19


Politics: So, post-Scott Brown, what does Obama do next, anyway?

  • I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements in the package that people agree on.
  • President Barack Obama • Regarding his signature health care bill, which got screwed up by Scott Brown winning the Senate race yesterday. It’s perhaps the largest failure of his presidency so far, but one with a silver lining. Now Obama has an opportunity to push for that bipartisan congress that never really happened. Or maybe the Republicans can just stonewall some more. It’s worth noting a couple of things: The fact that Obama plans to wait until Brown takes office to tackle health care is smart. And, as Andrew Sullivan notes (amazingly), he could totally use this as an opportunity to turn the tables during his State of the Union address next week. We want to see him do that. source

12 Jan 2010 09:43


Culture: Is “The X-Factor” about to become the new “American Idol”?

  • old Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson and a bunch of other people we don’t care about judging on “American Idol.”
  • new Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and a bunch of other people we don’t know about judging on “The X-Factor”? It might happen. source

11 Jan 2010 21:32


Biz: Obama’s thinking of charging Wall Street service fees. Hm.

  • That’s one way to get our money back from the banks. A year after being handed one of the worst financial crises to ever hit the U.S., Obama’s considering his options for making something back on that $700 billion investment that George W. Bush made back in the day. The one that’s standing out? Charging fees to companies like AIG and Bank of America. The nature of that fee hasn’t been decided yet, but we bet taxpayers might enjoy the just desserts. source

22 Dec 2009 08:17


World: Many Russians not so hot on the idea of Cryillic domain names

  • This is one more step toward isolation. And since this is a Kremlin project, it is possible that it will lead to the introduction of censorship, which is something that certain officials have long sought.
  • Tula, Russia, construction engineer Aleksei Larin, 31 • Regarding his dislike of the idea of Cyrillic domain names, an idea that carries more currency with leadership (who have long-disliked the hold English has had on the Web) than it does with people. Others support the idea due to the city-centric nature of Russian internet use, but others – mainly companies – just don’t see the point. source

17 Dec 2009 21:42


Biz: Pepsi doesn’t think the Super Bowl is the best use of their ad money

  • 23 the number of years that Pepsi has had a prominent part of the Super Bowl advertising extravaganza
  • refresh what Pepsi plans to do with their ad money instead, using it for a Web-based charity program source

03 Dec 2009 09:53


24 Nov 2009 10:47


Tech: If you have a killer Twitter product, polish it so Biz Stone buys it

  • That is something we are definitely interested in. We made an acquisition last year that turned out to be an outstandingly good decision.
  • Twitter co-founder Biz Stone • Discussing the possibility of making more acquisitions for the site. Nothing specific is on the horizon, but considering the massive popularity of many of the apps out there, Twitter might want to consider buying one. Our vote? Echofon, just so it can change its name back to TwitterFox. Echofon is such a stupid name, and TwitterFox so isn’t! source

21 Nov 2009 20:04


Politics: Like “Lost,” Glenn Beck is gonna reveal his big plan next year

  • On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.
  • Glenn Beck • Describing our great national nightmare in detail. That’s right, boys – he’s gonna get his boys together to reveal his grand plan – how to (#^&(!&@ over the Democrats once and for freaking all. Or how he plans to get a bigger chalkboard. Or something. Note to all: Unless you’re one of them, avoid the National Mall on August 28, 2010. source

19 Nov 2009 10:43


Biz, Tech: AOL’s looking to get rid of a lot of freaking people

  • 2,500 workers number of people wanted for voluntary buyouts; if they don’t get those buyouts, they turn into layoffs source

18 Nov 2009 21:37


U.S.: The government was just joshin’ you guys on mammograms

  • Our policies remain unchanged. Indeed, I would be very surprised if any private insurance company changed its mammography coverage decisions as a result of this action.
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius • Trying to re-spin a report earlier this week that said women should be less vigilant about checking their boobs for breast cancer. In other words, a report came out that angered a lot of people, and they’re backtracking completely. This is amid speculation that the changes were put in place to help insurance companies. • source