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10 Oct 2009 14:55


Politics: Daily poll: Can Obama expand rights for gays?

  • Fresh off his Nobel Peace Prize win, Barack Obama will speak at a Human Rights Campaign dinner tonight. Many are hoping he can make a dent in an issue that many gay-rights supporters have been hoping for. But Obama’s been distracted by everything else. Now that he’s finally giving it some attention, can he pull it off? Vote.source

24 Sep 2009 20:22


Tech, World: Good luck: France wants to mark images as Photoshopped

  • Every magazine cover and movie poster could carry a warning in France. The French are apparently concerned about body image in a big way. Because of that, they’re considering labeling ‘shopped images as such. 50 French politicians support the law, which carries huge fines for those who don’t follow it. So, photos of models are either going to carry disclaimers or are going to get a lot uglier. We wonder which. source

13 Sep 2009 10:58


U.S.: South Carolina has a well-funded House campaign on its hands

  • $1+ million each for Joe “You Lie!” Wilson and his opponent source

11 Sep 2009 13:54


U.S.: Joe Wilson’s “You Lie!” comment boosted his campaign funds, too

  • $200,000 best campaign boost evah! source

21 Aug 2009 10:32


Politics: PETA pisses off pretty much every fat woman on the planet

Overweight women, feminists, consumer groups, random bloggers, conservatives, liberals and nice guys and jerks think this message is mean. source

18 Aug 2009 11:22


Culture: “Family Guy” trashes on the Emmy competition

  • This is how to run an Emmy campaign. Family Guy is up for a “Best Comedy” Emmy – a rarity for an animated show – and they’ve chosen to come up with viral videos trashing the other nominees. This one trashes “The Office.”source

30 Jul 2009 17:00


Politics: David Pogue wants cell companies to suck it up and change

  • These messages are outrageous for two reasons. First, they waste your time. Good heavens: it’s 2009. WE KNOW WHAT TO DO AT THE BEEP.
  • David Pogue • In his blog that’s leading the way in the “Take Back the Beep Campaign.” Pogue argues that those messages that tell you how to leave a voicemail are a “blatant money-grab” and just plain stupid. As you can imagine, not many people disagree with him.  • source

11 Jun 2009 22:34


Biz: KFC looking for new spokesman; must like whatever the “C” stands for

  • Is the Colonel is getting klinked? Perhaps as recovery from the spectacular failure of their last marketing campaign, KFC is trying to find the new face of their company. To do so, they’re going to MySpace (uhhhh, isn’t everyone who isn’t in a band on Facebook?) and asking for videos until July 7. The winner gets a free lifetime supply of chicken and a free heart attack 15 years from now. source

10 May 2009 12:26


World: Pakistani forces had an eventful day against the Taliban

  • 200 Taliban forces were killed in the last day, sez Pakistan source

10 Apr 2009 11:24


Music, Offbeat: Here’s more on PETA’s latest crazy campaign that won’t work

  • We have a request that may at first seem bizarre, but we hope that after considering the following facts, you will understand why we are asking this of you: will you please consider changing your name from the Pet Shop Boys to the Rescue Shelter Boys?
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals • In a letter to the Pet Shop Boys, hoping to convince them to change their name to something less pet-shoppy. The band declined but welcomed the discussion by putting the letter on their Web site, saying it “raises an issue worth thinking about.” • source