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11 May 2011 16:40


World: Libyan opposition forces seize Misrata airport

  • None of Gaddafi’s soldiers found: Today was a strong day for the Libyan opposition, which seized the airport in Misrata, the city that has seen the big share of bloody fighting this last month. Misrata is a tactically important city for the opposition, lying closer to the capitol of Tripoli than does their eastern stronghold, Benghazi. It’s basically been the front line of this civil war, but with reports in recent days of NATO bombings aimed at Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound, could opposition forces gain some ground? source

22 Jul 2009 11:03


U.S., World: Pakistan doesn’t like the U.S.’ ideas about the war in Afghanistan

Citing a plan that will force Taliban forces into Pakistan and limited Pakistani troops, the country is pushing back against the U.S. source

10 May 2009 12:26


World: Pakistani forces had an eventful day against the Taliban

  • 200 Taliban forces were killed in the last day, sez Pakistan source