This photo comes from Flicker user Shishberg, who’s one of many great photogs to take on what make the the craziest #(^@()! storm to hit a major metropolitan area in years.source
He was a bit surprised that there were two people in his room and he was butt naked.
Sergeant Steve Watt of the Queenstown, Australia police • Describing the scene after a drunk, naked man barged into a hotel room that wasn’t his own and fell asleep on the bed. Sounds like someone had an interesting night. Charges weren’t pressed, by the way. • source
They were apparently plotting an attack. Sounds like an interesting middle of the night in Melbourne: 400 officers executed 19 search warrants in nine neighborhoods and arrested four people. That’s a lot of officers, a lot of warrants, a lot of places, but not many people arrested. Those arrested (who were Australian nationals, though some of Somalian and Lebanese descent) plotted a suicide attack using semiautomatic weapons. It could have been very bad had the suspects pulled it off, authorities say. source
He was carrying a lighter and pouring himself with petrol. We don’t know if the lighter set it off or something from the Taser.
Inspector Bill Munnee of the West Australian Police • Describing the events that led to a man being set on fire. After covering himself with gasoline, the Australian man was charging at a police officer, who set off his taser and set the man on fire. Which sounds like an insane sight to watch – if you make horror movies, steal this scene for your next one. • source
I just can’t wait to start. There’s a lot of different things to do over the next six months. I hope I can sell the reef as much as everybody is expecting.
British dude Ben Southall • The winner of the Australian Great Barrier Reef dream job contest. Southall has a long history of being adventurous – including ostrich-riding and scuba-diving – as well as prior experience with being a tour guide in Africa. Which means, simply, that he’s overqualified and will not do the job properly. If he’s not slacking off, he’s doing it wrong. • source
It was scarier than you’d think. Beat Ettlin of Canberra, Australia, was woken up by a pretty odd sight – a kangaroo who broke through his window and started bouncing on his bed. The ‘roo then started messing with his family. So he tackled and wrestled the intruder to the ground, then forced him out of the house. “I had just my Bonds undies on. I felt vulnerable,” Ettlin said about kicking the intruder out. The ‘roo left claw marks, a trail of blood, and an awesome story behind. source
What do you say about anyone like that? There’s no words to describe it, other than it’s mass murder.
Kevin Rudd • Australia’s prime minister, regarding the brushfires in the state of Victoria and the belief that some of the fires were set deliberately. At least 130 people have died in the fires, and thousands more have been left homeless. • source