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15 Mar 2011 11:26


World: Israel captures weapons-loaded ship with Liberian flag, blames Iran

  • Iran is the source of all evil in this region. It finances, supports, encourages and supplies all the terrorist organizations operating here.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu • Pointing the finger after the Israeli military found a ship headed from Turkey to Egypt loaded with weapons, which the Israeli government believes was headed to Gaza. “The source of the weapons is Iran, which is trying to arm Gaza,” Netanyahu said in a text message (which is apparently how Bloomberg interviews all of its sources these days). The ship had a Liberian flag. So, let’s see … a ship heading from Turkey to Egypt, with a Liberian flag on it, has ties to Iran? Wait, what? Last month, an Iranian ship headed through the Suez Canal to Turkey – the first time that’s happened since 1979’s Islamic Revolution. Also worth noting – Israel says that Turkey is completely uninvolved in the current incident. source

09 Feb 2009 08:24


World: Australia’s prime minister: If wildfires arson, it’s “mass murder”

  • What do you say about anyone like that? There’s no words to describe it, other than it’s mass murder.
  • Kevin Rudd • Australia’s prime minister, regarding the brushfires in the state of Victoria and the belief that some of the fires were set deliberately. At least 130 people have died in the fires, and thousands more have been left homeless. • source

08 Feb 2009 10:23


World: Australian brushfires leave a devestating, deadly toll

  • 84+ people have died in the brushfires so far – but the toll could rise significantly source

07 Feb 2009 09:54


World: “Worst ever” bushfires in Australia have a deadly toll

More than 40 people are feared dead in the fires, located in the state of Victoria. source