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14 Aug 2010 13:01


World: UN: Aid for Pakistan flooding victims slow to come for many

  • 6 million are trying to row without a paddle, if you get our drift source

15 Jun 2010 10:30


World: With rioting decreasing, Kyrgyzstan’s people assess the damage

This guy right here is in disbelief about the destruction caused to his home. On the plus side, aid is starting to come into the country. source

09 May 2010 20:29


World: Greece gets the first part of that massive aid package of theirs

  • $38.6B
    will get loaned to Greece over the next three years by the IMF
  • $7B
    hits the country’s coffers as of right now; the rest comes later
  • $141B
    was offered to the country in an aid package accepted last week source
  • » Will this improve the country’s dismal state? It’ll improve the global market most likely but won’t ease tensions among its citizens. The extremely unpopular austerity measures were a condition of the aid package they got from the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission. So they’re not going away, kids.

23 Feb 2010 21:08


U.S.: The Supreme Court stuck between rock and hard place on terror

  • The government has spent a decade arguing that our clients cannot advocate for peace, cannot inform about international human rights.
  • Georgetown law professor David D. Cole • Arguing in favor of the Humanitarian Law Project, which wants to provide support to peaceful efforts made by organizations the U.S. classifies as terrorist groups. This is a tough one, as moderate justice Antony Kennedy noted, and it ought to make things fun for the Supreme Court, which has to decide the case. Solicitor General Elena Kagan noted that the law was in place as a deterrent: “What Congress decided was when you help Hezbollah build homes, you are also helping Hezbollah build bombs. That’s the entire theory behind this statute, and it’s a reasonable theory.” source

16 Jan 2010 16:49


World: Sanjay Gupta officially more helpful than the United Nations

  • What is striking to me as a physician is that patients who just had surgery, patients who are critically ill are essentially being left here, nobody to care for them.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta • Regarding a situation where he ended up helping a bunch of earthquake victims out of security concerns after the UN-led group that was there was reportedly told to leave out of security concerns. Gupta stayed overnight with the victims, trying to help them out, but having trouble due to lack of supplies. The UN, for their part, claims it did not tell the doctors and other medical support to leave, but other organizations they were tied to might have. Gupta made sure all the victims survived through the night, because he’s an amazing human being. source

15 Jan 2010 22:07


World: In Haiti, desperation quickly grows among the survivors

Aid is slow to come in, and reports of looting have gone up significantly. The UN’s help is anemic compared to the need: 8,000 fed, 3 million hungry. source

14 Jan 2010 09:36


U.S., World: Today’s a critical day for recovery from the Haiti quake

  • Recovery crews hope to coordinate today and possibly save lives. With the lingering possibility of 100,000 people dead (according to Felix Augustin, the Haitian consul general to the United Nations), aid groups are trying their best to save whoever they can. “Once we can get communications up so we can tell people where to go, what kind of help they can expect, we’ll be able to better manage the crisis,” said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who cut short a Pacific trip to help deal with the crisis. source

08 Apr 2009 10:16


Music, World: M.I.A. is ticking off the Sri Lankan government again

  • Many have already perished from starvation and preventable disease. We cannot ignore these genocidal conditions, and if the aim of the SL Government is to protect the lives of the civilians, then this ship will reach its destination and lives will be saved.
  • M.I.A. (a.k.a. Maya Arulpragasam) • Who’s put herself in the middle of a conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the U.K.-based Act Now organization, which is trying to send aid to the country which is supposed to be for civilians caught in the conflict between Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers, but the Sri Lankan military fears may be headed for Tamil forces. She’s ruffled these feathers before. • source