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19 May 2011 10:45


Offbeat: Harold Camping: I’ll be near a TV or radio while the world ends

  • I’ll probably try to be very near a TV or a radio or something. Because I’ll be interested in what’s happening on the other side of the world as this begins.
  • 89-year-old Family Radio owner Harold Camping • Discussing his plans when the end of the world begins on May 21st. This guy’s given the billboard industry a lot of business — his company and his allies have put up 2,200 of them across the country announcing the forthcoming end of the world, which will start with a massive earthquake or some crazy crap that isn’t going to happen. “We know without any shadow of a doubt it is going to happen,” says the guy, who has already been wrong once — back in 1994. source

17 May 2011 17:13


Offbeat: “Go the F**k to Sleep”: A kid’s book parody with a killer title

  • Know how this book hit No. 1 on Amazon? A great title. Also, a pirated PDF. Really.  source

11 May 2011 18:53


Offbeat: Donald Trump wants to sell you a necktie

  • Hey, I have the number-one-selling tie in the country. What color tie do you like? Your tie looks like shit. Do you want a tie?
  • Donald Trump • In an interview with Rolling Stone. There’s a bunch of other weird stuff in that interview, including an extended explanation of his hairstyling techniques. source

10 May 2011 10:40


Offbeat: Protip: Don’t get a non-vegan tattoo that says “vegan.” Oops.

  • vegan In an attempt to prove to her friends that she was more vegan than the rest of them, a young girl got the word “vegan” tattooed in her inner-lip area.
  • not vegan Unfortunately for her, she got the tattoo with black ink, which is usually made from non-vegan charred animal bones. Which is bad for her. Oops. Vegan fail. source via

02 May 2011 16:52


Offbeat: Gary Weddle’s beard, 2001-2011

  • The “playoff beard” to its logical extreme: Gary Weddle, 50, made a vow following al-Qaeda’s attack on September 11th, 2001 — that he wouldn’t shave until Osama bin Laden was captured or confirmed dead. “I spent my first five minutes crying and then I couldn’t get it off fast enough,” Weddle said. His wife, on the beard’s departure: “I respected his passion and keeping a vow. I was willing to look past the beard because I love him… He looks 10 years younger.” source

25 Apr 2011 20:51


Offbeat: Super Mario Bros. 3 sounds better with acoustic instruments

  • Because we have a predilection towards anything Mario: Here’s a clip of someone playing through Super Mario Bros. 3 — with a soundtrack provided by live musicians. Holy crap guys. We’re nerding out, and so are the creators of this — a couple of video game/jazz nerds called “Eight Bits of Jam.” source

12 Apr 2011 16:18


Offbeat: Obama brain surgery scar conspiracy hits the web

  • At absolutely any cost: Conspiracy theories can be dangerous at their logical extremes. That said, they can also be pretty funny, when the jumps in logic and assumptions become so pronounced and inane that you can almost see the rumor’s creator feverishly hammering a square peg against a round hole. With that in mind: this picture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that our President has had brain surgery. See that innocuous looking, faint line through the side of his hair? That’s hard proof. And if somebody’s been tinkering inside Obama’s brain… well, just think of the implications of that! (h/t Mediaite) source

12 Apr 2011 14:50


Offbeat: 95-year-old man dies, donates penis to museum

  • People are always donating some organ after they died. It’s no more remarkable to donate a penis than it is to donate an organ like a kidney. He liked to be in the limelight, you know? He was a funny guy. He was a boaster, a braggart… he liked to be provocative.
  • Sigurdur Hjartarson, head of the Phallological Museum in Iceland • Talking about his latest acquisition, the penis of the late Pall Arason, a 95-year-old Icelandic man who had agreed to the donation. He penis was pickled for preservation following his death, and despite the museum having had similar pledges from other people throughout the years, Arason’s phallus is now the first and only successfully donated human specimen at the museum. Of course, you go for the human penis, but you stay for the 67-inch sperm whale penis. source

07 Apr 2011 23:18


Offbeat: An April Fools’ Day prank so effective, we’re posting about it April 7th

  • If only all April Fools’ Day jokes were this successful. Our question: Who, seriously, would fall for such a thing? On April Fools’ Day, even? source

06 Apr 2011 17:26


Offbeat: Little boy to be governor for a day (well kinda, it’s New Jersey)

  • Jesse’s day in the sun: This three-year-old boy, by virtue of both his evident passion for executive authority, as well as our culture of YouTube celebrity, will be getting his wish: one day as honorary Governor, as signed by real-life Governor Chris Christie. Christie’s response to Jesse, via Twitter: “Don’t worry Jesse, people gave plenty of reasons why I couldn’t be Governor, though being too small wasn’t one of them.” source