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05 Dec 2010 11:48


Offbeat: Looking for great land deal? Buy the Unabomber’s old plot

  • 1.4 the number of acres the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, called his own in western Montana
  • $69.5k the cost of buying the Unabomber’s old land, down from its old price of $154,500
  • no the dude’s cabin isn’t part of the deal; the Newseum in D.C. owns that thang source

05 Dec 2010 10:58


Offbeat: Protip: If you’re in Charlotte, NC, be on look out for Secret Santas

  • $100 bills being given to random strangers (awwwww) source

03 Dec 2010 12:26


02 Dec 2010 20:59


Offbeat: Two can play that game: Dude rejiggers cheating girlfriend’s Netflix

  • One Reddit user decided to hit his cheating girlfriend where it hurts. So he went to Netflix and started ratings until he was able to come up with this really harsh list of I-know-you’re-cheating classics. Wait a second … Bambi? source

01 Dec 2010 12:36


30 Nov 2010 00:22


Offbeat, U.S.: If you keep rubber bands in your car, you might get searched

  • standard Cops in Pennsylvania pulled a guy over because a GPS unit was blocking the driver’s view. No big deal, right?
  • unusual Upon searching his car, the officers found 26 pounds of cocaine (!), worth $1.2 million, hiding in a secret compartment.
  • dubious The probable cause for the search was…the presence of rubber bands (often used to stack money). source

29 Nov 2010 21:50


Offbeat: The L.A. Times can’t get rid of their Bridge column quietly

  • 60 number of phone calls the paper’s reader’s representative got over removing the Bridge column, a stodgy tradition that predates everyone
  • 31 number of e-mails they got; who are these people and why do they actually play Bridge? And how do we get them to stop? source

27 Nov 2010 23:38


Offbeat, World: Peruvian president blames low approval ratings on Peruvians

  • We are what we are: sad, distrustful … We have a natural lack of trust.
  • Peruvian President Alan Garcia • Suggesting he has a low approval rating (34 percent approve, 62 percent disapprove) because Peruvians are naturally unhappy. He suggests nearby countries, like Brazil, are happier. Way to flip the message. Are the people saying “BOO” or “BOO-urns”?  source

26 Nov 2010 15:18


Offbeat: National emergency: Obama busted his lip playing hoops

  • 12 stitches needed; don’t miss this week’s YouTube address source

23 Nov 2010 08:52


Offbeat: San Jose animal shelter learns to love all of God’s creatures

  • We’re suckers. And there’s always one or two that grab your heart.
  • United Animal Nations emergency services manager Janell Matthies • Expressing her appreciation for the 1,000 bundles of joy recently found in a Los Angeles home. Yes, that’s right, she’s talking about rats – rats found, by the way, during a shoot for the A&E show “Hoarders.” They were recently taken to a San Jose animal shelter largely because they had the room to take them all in. We like Matthies’ ability to see the bright side here, but let’s emphasize that some hoarder dude created an environment disgusting enough to foster that many rats. And yes, since they’re at an animal shelter … they’re up for adoption. No, you first. source