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06 Apr 2010 11:02


Biz: Don’t fly on Spirit Airlines: They now charge for carry-on bags

  • $45 cost each way to store an item overhead if you don’t join some stupid little club
  • $30 cost each way to store that same item if you are smart and reserve a spot ahead of time
  • $20 cost each way if you join their club; join our “don’t fly Spirit Airlines” club instead source

06 Apr 2010 10:57


U.S.: Obama decides to fix U.S.’s Nuclear Posture, cut back big time

  • We are going to want to make sure that we can continue to move towards less emphasis on nuclear weapons … [and to] make sure that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances.
  • President Barack Obama • Discussing his decision to scale back the nation’s nuclear powers, limiting exactly when the weapons can be used. Don’t think he’s going to go all soft on us, though. He’s leaving an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” just in case they decide to try any funny stuff. You know, like threatening to drop a nuke on the U.S. source

06 Apr 2010 10:51


Tech: Farmville sucks; do something else with your wasted time, jerks

  • lame People play Facebook games like Farmville as if it’s nobody’s business, wasting time and money on virtual plots that aren’t fun, just addictive and annoying.
  • not lame New startup Armchair Revolutionary, which launches today, has dreams of making games like Farmville that actually help the world. Godspeed! source

06 Apr 2010 10:42


Biz, U.S.: Awful mining disaster not good for Massey Energy’s stocks

  • 9.8% dip in price just this
    morning alone source

06 Apr 2010 10:39


World: Wikileaks’ role: Intermediary for journalists and sources

  • We take care of the source and act as a neutral intermediary and then we also take care of the publication of the material whilst the journalist that has been communicated with takes care of the verification.
  • Wikileaks director Julian Assange • Explaining the site’s role in providing information to the world. Essentially, they’re not pretending to be journalists. But they also realize that sensitive information often can’t pass directly between a source’s hands and a journalist’s, due to its sensitive nature. So, they find it, host it anonymously, and break it to the world (and take the crap that comes along with it, including contacts from the U.S. government). It’s great for the free flow of information, as has been proven by the just-released video of two Reuters staffers getting killed. source

06 Apr 2010 09:28


World: In India, police were ambushed by suspected Maoists

  • 72 Indian police killed in a
    four-hour attack source

06 Apr 2010 09:06


Offbeat: Guy attempted to break stupid world record during SoCal quake

  • Know what would’ve been really impressive? If Mike Perber had managed his record-breaking elbow-to-hand quarters attempt while the quake was happening. Then we’ be really impressed. Gawker thinks it’s a hoax, but we think it’s just a bizarre attention grab. (He’s done this before.) source


06 Apr 2010 08:45


U.S.: 25 dead, 4 missing in West Virginia mining explosion

  • West Virginians are tough, we will bind together.
  • West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall • Regarding yesterday’s mine explosion in Montcoal, where 25 miners died. A day after a much happier ending for a mine explosion in China, where over 100 miners were rescued, the community around Performance Coal Company is in mourning, largely unable to rescue those inside the mine due to high methane levels making it hard to breathe and raising the chances of another explosion. The mine, by the way, has a long history of safety problems and just last year, parent company Massey Energy had to pay $382,000 for safety violations. source