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18 Feb 2010 10:39


Politics: Karl Rove to Tea Parties: Don’t merge with the GOP, guys

  • My advice to them is to keep their distance from any single party and instead influence both parties on debt, spending and an over-reaching federal government.
  • Former Bush strategist Karl Rove • On what he thinks the Tea Party movement should do to grow in influence. There had been talk of directly aligning with the Repulbican party, though some sects of the movement disagreed. But he points out that, to gain mainstream influence, “they must now begin the difficult task of disassociating themselves from cranks and conspiracy nuts.” That oughta be fun. source

18 Feb 2010 10:28


Tech: Dear staff of PleaseRobMe: You’re an accomplice in our robberies, OK?

  • Yeah, we get the point, guys. Geolocation is bad because it leaves your location open for people to take advantage of. But when Julius goes out tonight wearing a ski mask and preying on the poor residents of Dupont Circle who play FourSquare just a little too well, we’re going to want someone to hold the bag. We’re not going down for our crimes without taking someone else down with us! And, well, you’re it! source

18 Feb 2010 10:16


Culture: Ray Gosling learns that admitting “mercy killing” on TV a bad idea

  • He was arrested today on suspicion of murder charges. BBC host Ray Gosling may regret his profound admission on “Inside Out” (here’s the video), now that he’s in the hands of authorities. Gosling, who admitted on the show to killing a former AIDS-stricken partner, was arrested for the act. “I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead,” he claimed. “The doctor came back and I said ‘He’s gone’. Nothing more was ever said.” Assisted suicide is illegal in the U.K., by the way. source

18 Feb 2010 10:00


World: More Taliban leadership starting to drop into Pakistan’s hands

  • Mullah Salam and Mullah Mohammad were the most merciless individuals. Most of the terror, executions and other crimes committed in northern Afghanistan were on their orders.
  • Kunduz Province police chief Gen. Razaq Yaqoobi • Regarding two other recent captures on the heels of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar earlier this week. Mullah Abdul Salam, the Taliban’s leader in Kunduz, and Mullah Mohammed were captured by Pakistani forces, possibly with the help of the CIA – just like Baradar. While it’s definitely impressive, is this a major turning point? We’ll see. source

18 Feb 2010 08:24


World: Laugh all you want, but Iran is innovating super-fast

  • 11 times faster growth in science than any other country source

17 Feb 2010 23:43


17 Feb 2010 22:03


Politics: Good news! Robert Gibbs’ tweets subject to Presidential Records Act

  • What I write and what I tweet is archived as a part of this Presidential Records Act of 1978 because it is work product created as part of my job at the White House. People that follow me, people that read that, people that re-tweet that, none of that goes into this or is archived as a result of the Presidential Records Act.
  • White House press secretary Robert Gibbs • On the archive status of his tweets. Gibbs, who just became the first person in the White House to tweet on an official basis, is required to have the information documented. It’s good because it keeps him honest. It’s good because it keeps the history alive. But it’s still kind of strange due to the fact that social media and the PRA aren’t super-compatible. In other news, after a questionable first post, he’s doing a pretty good job of going with the Twitter flow. source

17 Feb 2010 21:55


Offbeat: South Africa giveth and taketh away lottery prizes very quickly

  • Stanley Philander wasn’t the big winner of Saturday’s PowerBall drawing. Whoops. Philander, 52, gladly took the $12 million prize, but another woman really won. He had bought a ticket with the winning numbers after the drawing and went to pick up his prize. Due to the large divide between rich and poor in the country, Philander’s family had to be taken to a secret location for their own protection after winning. We wonder if he’s going to need another secret location after losing. source

17 Feb 2010 21:40


Tech: Apple’s got “extreme” security around their upcoming products

See this compound here in China? This is where some of Apple’s newest products are made. They go to “extreme lengths” to protect the secrecy of the products. source

17 Feb 2010 21:27


Politics: Sarah Palin and her “little twittering thing”: She sounds stupid again!

  • Just you watch now, too, because somebody will be here with their little Twittering thing, and it’s going to be on the Internet any minute now.
  • Sarah Palin • Speaking at a Republican Party function yesterday. The former presidential candidate, who regularly takes to Facebook to complain about some stupid crap, is now a Twitter trending topic as a result of this. Will this be enough to ruin her career and presidential hopes? God, we hope so. source