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17 Feb 2010 22:03


Politics: Good news! Robert Gibbs’ tweets subject to Presidential Records Act

  • What I write and what I tweet is archived as a part of this Presidential Records Act of 1978 because it is work product created as part of my job at the White House. People that follow me, people that read that, people that re-tweet that, none of that goes into this or is archived as a result of the Presidential Records Act.
  • White House press secretary Robert Gibbs • On the archive status of his tweets. Gibbs, who just became the first person in the White House to tweet on an official basis, is required to have the information documented. It’s good because it keeps him honest. It’s good because it keeps the history alive. But it’s still kind of strange due to the fact that social media and the PRA aren’t super-compatible. In other news, after a questionable first post, he’s doing a pretty good job of going with the Twitter flow. source