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21 Jan 2010 09:46


World: Haiti’s planning massive tent villages for refugees in Port-au-Prince

  • 400k people will be moved out of Port-au-Prince into massive tent cities
  • 100k refugees will be transported in the first relocation wave
  • 10k the planned population of each individual tent city source

21 Jan 2010 09:34


Biz: Somebody’s just had a record year: Goldman Sachs shows off

  • $13.4
    in profits through all of 2009, which is pretty much a record year for them; freaking showoffs
  • $16.2
    in bonuses given last year, which sounds high but is the lowest they’ve given since 1999 source

21 Jan 2010 09:27


21 Jan 2010 09:19


Tech: Retro nerdgasm: Final Fantasy is coming to the iPhone (whoa!)

The game isn’t released on the app store yet, but Mashable has some pretty lookin’ screenshots for nerds to nerd about. source

21 Jan 2010 09:10


U.S., World: Hillary Clinton lays down the gauntlet against cyberattacks

  • Countries or individuals that engage in cyber attacks should face consequences and international condemnation. In an interconnected world, an attack on one nation’s networks can be an attack on all.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton • In a speech she plans to give this morning on China’s reported hacking of companies like Google. Clinton reportedly also will bring up concerns specifically about the Google attack. China, for its part, says the attack shouldn’t be overstated. source

21 Jan 2010 09:01


Politics: Duh: John Edwards the father of Rielle Hunter’s freaking daughter

  • Scumbag. In a completion to one of the most spectacular falls in American history, John Edwards admitted that he’s the daddy of Frances Quinn Hunter, the baby girl born to another mother in the midst of his 2008 presidential campaign. The girl was born during an affair Edwards had with Rielle Hunter, while his wife Elizabeth was in the midst of a relapse from breast cancer. In case you need to catch up to this unbelievably saucy story, here’s a great place to start. source

21 Jan 2010 08:38


Culture: Team Conan, rally ’round your leader. He just struck a deal.

  • In the end, Conan was appreciative of the steps NBC made to take care of his staff and crew, and decided to supplement the severance they were getting out of his own pocket. Now he just wants to get back on the air as quickly as possible.
  • Gavin Polone • Conan O’Brien’s manager, regarding the deal NBC reportedly struck with the comedian last night. Details are kinda sketchy at the moment, but they likely include $32 million for Conan, $12 million for his staff, a non-disparagement clause, and an agreement to stay off the air or other shows until the fall. Pretty much everything that was expected from the press. source

20 Jan 2010 22:24


Music: Gorillaz’ new single, “Stylo,” gets away with awesome again (!!)

  • cool The new Gorillaz single, “Stylo,” has one of the deepest, bassiest beats you’ll hear this side of a Justice song. If the music video doesn’t feature Don Johnson in shades, we’ll be greatly disappointed.
  • crazy The song features Bobby Womack – a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and legendary soul singer – using his booming vocals to break through everything. It’s an awesome left turn for a band built on them. source

20 Jan 2010 22:09


World: China’s growing faster than its censorship walls can go up

  • 10.7% growth in its GDP in 4Q ’09 alone source

20 Jan 2010 21:57


World: Mexican prison riot: A better band name than a news story

  • 23 were killed in the riot in the northern Mexican state of Durango
  • 20 were injured in the riot, which was quelled by armed guards source