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02 Dec 2009 10:23


Tech: People actually play Facebook games, make their creators big bucks

  • 20
    people play FishVille, which only came out in November and relies on micropayments
  • $200 million the amount of money FishVille’s creator, Zynga, will likely make this year; REALLY? source

02 Dec 2009 10:16


Biz: Rupert Murdoch’s got a NYC edition of the Wall Street Journal cooking

  • $15 million to battle The New York Times head-on source

02 Dec 2009 10:05


U.S.: The Senate is in the middle of debating Obama’s Afghan plan

  • Success is the real exit strategy, and when conditions on the ground have decisively begun to change for the better. That is when our troops should start to return home with honor, not one minute longer, not one minute sooner, and certainly not on some arbitrary date in July 2011.
  • John McCain • Discussing the troop increase Obama has planned as well as the pullout. The Senate hearings on the event are currently going on, and The New York Times has a pretty thorough liveblog about what may be the moment that defines Obama’s diplomatic legacy. source

02 Dec 2009 09:56


Offbeat: Men who don’t watch porn, raise your hand. *crickets*

  • A study falsely assumed that some men don’t watch porn. boy, were they wrong. University of Montreal Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse had a great idea for a study – let’s look at the views of men who don’t watch porn. He found it impossible, due to the fact that he couldn’t find any. Instead, his study focused on the viewing habits of men who watch it (which are fairly normal). Nice save, bro. source

02 Dec 2009 09:34


Culture: Newly outed lesbian: Meredith Baxter – a.k.a. the “Family Ties” mom

The thrice-married mother of five outed herself in The Advocate today after being noticed on an all-lesbian cruise. Guess Michael Gross wasn’t doing it for her. source

02 Dec 2009 09:24


Biz: Less bleeding in November, but still lots of unemployment

  • 130,000 jobs will likely have been lost in November – the lowest level seen since July 2008
  • 10.3% the current level of unemployment – a slight jump, but still the highest level this generation source

02 Dec 2009 09:15


Culture: Our Tiger Woods “evade” ticker: He’s still evading.

  • one reported “other woman” is in total “deny, deny, deny” mode right now
  • one new reported “other woman” starred on a VH1 reality show and has voicemails (!!)
  • none the amount of talking Tiger has done; he’s hiding in a cone of silence source

02 Dec 2009 09:10


U.S.: Maurice Clemmons had help, and that help is now in trouble

  • We are all relieved to have Maurice Clemmons off the street, but there is still work to be done here. When you help a criminal, you become a criminal.
  • Pierce County, Wash. prosecutor Mark Lindquist • On the arrest of two suspects who assisted suspected cop kiiller Maurice Clemmons, and probably more coming. In other news, Mike Huckabee took “full responsibility” for commuting Clemmons’ sentence in 2000. source