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02 Dec 2009 09:24


Biz: Less bleeding in November, but still lots of unemployment

  • 130,000 jobs will likely have been lost in November – the lowest level seen since July 2008
  • 10.3% the current level of unemployment – a slight jump, but still the highest level this generation source

06 Nov 2009 11:19


Biz, U.S.: The new unemployment numbers look like a big bag of fail

  • 10.2% the level of unemployment for October; that’s up significantly from the 9.8% mark in September, as well as much higher than the 9.9% level economists predicted source

12 Jun 2009 10:54


Biz, U.S.: We’re in a better mood about the economy than we’ve been lately

  • 69 The current level of consumer sentiment, the highest in nine months source

05 Apr 2009 10:26


Biz: Online ad sales are up, but it’s deceptive growth

  • 6.7% expected rise in online ad sales, mostly worldwide source

27 Mar 2009 17:51


U.S.: Cutting it close: Fargo faces its great test from the N.D. floods

  • 40.6 feet the level of the heavily-flooded Red River this morning; it’s been making life hell in North Dakota this week source

06 Mar 2009 09:44


U.S.: The unemployment rate is getting scary high

  • 8.1% of people are out of work right now. Yikes. source