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08 Sep 2009 02:42


Music: Pitchfork spews forth a torrent of Beatles reissue love

  • 5,390 words on the Beatles’ reissues were published today – and they’re not even done yet! source

07 Sep 2009 22:53


Offbeat: Catstravaganza ’09: Five things you should know about 09/09/09

  • Urlesque thinks it can make “fetch” happen by trying to convince sites to not post cat stuff on 09/09/09. Well, much like the cat in the video above, felines aren’t going out like that. Neither are we. Here’s five things you need to know about our counter-protest, the Catstravaganza:

    1. We’ll still post news, but the bulk of our posts on Wednesday will be cat-related. We swear, our timing will be nothing less than purrfect.
    2. Cats have nine lives, and 09/09 is nine squared. And 09/09/09? Well, it’s nine cubed. Which means that the ante has been upped. Any attempts to kill their influence on that day will be futile and if nothing else will make the cats scratch back even harder.
    3. Tell the world about the Catstravganza by sending them a Tweet. The #catstravaganza hashtag will be heavily used in the operation.
    4. Have something cat-related that the world must know about? E-mail it to us. We’ll help it claw up to the top.
    5. Best of all, guys: We have an official badge you can throw on your blog. Support the Catstravaganza with the love of linkage.

    Catstravaganza '09: Now it's purrsonal

    Share it on your blog:
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Catstravaganza '09: Now it's purrsonal" title="Catstravaganza '09: Now it's purrsonal" width="500" height="130" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-14610" /></a>source

07 Sep 2009 21:06


Culture, Tech: Google’s new Monopoly City Streets monopolizes awesome

Monopoly City Streets
  • And people thought the McDonald’s game was good. Hasbro and Google have decided to team up and turn Monopoly into a game that remains true to the nature of the original, but with an all-too-real twist: The properties you’re monopolizing are real, and the board is based on Google Maps AND massively multiplayer. This idea is just too brilliant for Hasbro to have come up with on their own. We’re guessing Google had the idea, THEN suggested it to Hasbro. It launches Wednesday, just in time for our Catstravaganza.source

07 Sep 2009 20:44


Culture: The Jerry Lewis Telethon: Still on the air, still raising big bucks

  • $60.5 million raised for Jerry’s Kids this year source

07 Sep 2009 20:34


Biz: Ex-Lehman Bros. CEO Dick Fuld tired of getting “dumped on”

  • You know what? The anniversary’s coming up. I’ve been pummeled, I’ve been dumped on, and it’s all going to happen again. I can handle it. You know what, let them line up.
  • Former Lehman Bros. CEO Dick Fuld • Describing the torrent of criticism he’s gotten since the company completely collapsed last year. Fuld has been a bit press-shy since the collapse for understandable reasons. “Nobody wants to hear it,” he says. “The facts are out there. Nobody wants to hear it, especially not from me.” The full article is quite good. If you choose one link to click on tonight, choose this one. -> • source

07 Sep 2009 20:25


Sports: Who does tennis upstart Melanie Oudin think she is, anyway?

Some would applaud unseeded 17-year-old Melanie Oudin for kicking butt at the U.S. Open, but we think it’s insensitive of her to defeat established tennis players. source

07 Sep 2009 20:12


U.S.: Here’s another genetic detail in the ongoing fight against cancer

  • A virus linked with animal cancer was found in humans. Researchers at the University of Utah and Columbia University recently spent a lot of time looking at prostate cancer cells recently. (Which doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, by the way.) In the 200 cancerous prostates they studied, they found that 27% had XMRV (Xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus), a retrovirus that copies itself into the cancerous cell’s DNA. (In other words, it works just like AIDS.) This is significant, because it’s the first human link to XMRV that scientists have found. source

07 Sep 2009 12:05


U.S., World: Daily poll: Should the media publish photos of dead soldiers?

  • The Associated Press (who we’re still boycotting and have been for over a month) recently distributed a photo of a soldier immediately after he was severely injured in combat. He later died due to his injuries. They published it against the family’s consent. Granted, the impact is significant, but is this a role the media should take? Let us know. Vote.source

07 Sep 2009 11:50


Tech: Your brain on Twitter < Your brain on Facebook. Any questions?

  • On Twitter you receive an endless stream of information, but it’s also very succinct. You don’t have to process that information. Your attention span is being reduced and you’re not engaging your brain and improving nerve connections.
  • University of Stirling (Scotland) psychologist Dr Tracy Alloway • Describing the difference between Facebook and Twitter usage. Since tweets are so short, you’re not thinking as much, which damages your working memory. Facebook has the opposite effect. Which means, in the long term, Twitter makes you dumber and Facebook makes you smarter. • source

07 Sep 2009 11:42


U.S.: Hiding behind Grandma’s wall: A grandson, missing for two years

  • He was the subject of a custody battle. Six-year-old Richard Chekevdia was hidden in a small room in his grandmother’s house for nearly two years after his mother temporarily lost custody of the boy. Shannon Wilfong was charged with kidnapping him, but authorities couldn’t find the Benton, Illinois resident. Both Wilfong and her mother were arrested, and the boy is happy to go outside again. source