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05 Feb 2010 12:39


Politics: Tom Tancredo’s speech not the best way to start a Tea Party

  • People who could not even spell the word ‘vote,’ or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Former U.S. Rep. from Colorado Tom Tancredo • At the beginning of the Tea Party convention in Nashville last night. Can we list the ways this statement is offensive? 1.) It’s borderline racist in not one, but two ways (three if you think the part about not being able to spell the word “vote” is a slight on a certain race), 2.) It points out Obama’s middle name in a way to discount him, and 3.) It suggests that people who voted for Obama are idiots. It’s not like he doesn’t have a history of incendiary comments, either; this is the guy who called Miami a “third-world country.” Is this the guy you want opening up your Tea Party convention? source

26 Jan 2010 09:06


U.S.: Marco Rubio primed to upset in Florida’s GOP gubernatorial primary

  • 47% are all excited about the tea-party-backed Marco Rubio
  • 44% are still behind moderate incumbent Charlie Crist, who’s lost his entire double-digit lead
  • 6% haven’t decided yet; both are ahead in the general election source

24 Jan 2010 11:09


Politics: Tea Party conflict: How debate over candidates can help the left

  • The fact of the matter is that Robert Hurt is the establishment candidate, and it appears that the GOP is doing everything it can to make sure he is the nominee. That’s causing a whole lot of bad blood right now between some of the Tea Party people.
  • Charlottesville, Va.-based Jefferson Area Tea Party leader Bill Hay • Regarding a House race in his Virginia district which is something of a bellwether to larger problems facing the Republican party. Despite the unpopularity of Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello in his district, tea partiers are pushing for a more conservative candidate than the Republican Party, and it’s leading to difficulty in staying on message. Yo, tea partiers: Your push for conservative candidates is noble, but unrealistic. You’re going to hurt yourselves in November if you push away moderates. For every Scott Brown, there will be a Bill Owens. source

23 Jan 2010 10:39


Politics: Careful who you call a tea partier: You might anger the natives

  • They thought the platform was going to tie into what we were after, that we would be one big happy family.
  • Northern Colorado Tea Party leader Lesley Hollywood • Regarding frustration her group – and other Colorado tea party groups – has felt after Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis was labeled as “the tea-party candidate” on Fox News last month. It led to a firestorm of controversy mainly because the groups had felt slighted by McInnis when dealing with him before. It required him to do a lot of apologizing and laying some groundwork to patch things up. It’s kind of the Catch-22 the Republicans are stuck dealing with – there’s a wave of conservatism, but it’s a very cliquey wave. source

07 Jan 2010 10:40


Politics: Chris Matthews sees only white tea leaves at GOP protests

  • “They’re all white. All of them, every single one of them is white.” Chris Matthews is a wee bit obsessed with the race of the Tea Partiers, noting that he doesn’t see a single non-white person in the mix. It’s a line begging for rebuke. And wouldn’t you look at that! There’s a couple black tea partiers, right on cue! source

27 Nov 2009 19:47


Politics: The latest in awful hip-hop: Hi Caliber, a tea-partying rapper

16 Nov 2009 11:01


Politics: Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: A marked man for supporting Obama

At the time, this embrace – and Crist’s embrace of the Obama’s stimulus plan – seemed like a good idea. Then the tea parties began, and now Crist is in trouble. source

05 Nov 2009 22:23


Politics: The tea party continues. Couldn’t they call it the “McRib tour” instead?

  • If the Fort Hood shooting didn’t happen, this probably would’ve been the day’s big story. A bunch of right-leaners met up at the Capitol today to stir up some )#&@ with Congress, in an effort to break the health care bill. Mark Levin is kind of a leader of the movement. Here’s a video of him speaking today. At the link is a transcript of the other person involved, Michelle Bachmann, talking on Glenn Beck. Enjoy!source

13 Sep 2009 23:22


Politics: Max Headroom: How did our political discourse turn into mush?

  • ACORN scam artists? The two people behind the ACORN prostitution video make themselves sound like the biggest douchebags ever, based on this Fox News video. Even if ACORN screwed up, these guys were TRYING to get them to screw up.

  • ACORN scam artists? The two people behind the ACORN prostitution video make themselves sound like the biggest douchebags ever, based on this Fox News video. Even if ACORN screwed up, these guys were TRYING to get them to screw up.

  • Tea party insanity Now, we’re not saying that all conservative activists are like those shown in this video, but the first two minutes of this video are really eye opening as to how far on the fringe many of these activists really are. Yikes.

  • ACORN scam artists? The two people behind the ACORN prostitution video make themselves sound like the biggest douchebags ever, based on this Fox News video. Even if ACORN screwed up, these guys were TRYING to get them to screw up.

  • Tea party insanity Now, we’re not saying that all conservative activists are like those shown in this video, but the first two minutes of this video are really eye opening as to how far on the fringe many of these activists really are. Yikes.

  • Axelrod: They’re wrong Top Obama adviser David Axelrod says flatly that these conservative activists overtaking Washington are simply “wrong” on the health care debate. We wouldn’t go that far. Their voices should be a part of this debate, too.

12 Sep 2009 12:15


Politics: A bunch of tea-baggers in D.C., brought together by astroturfing

  • I can’t figure out to save me what [Mr. Obama and the Democrats] are trying to accomplish, unless they want socialism.
  • Retired paper-mill worker Joseph Wright • One of the thousands of tea-partiers protesting Obama’s health-care plan (and just about everything else he represents). Tons of old white people people just like Wright descended upon Washington today to make themselves loudly heard. Good thing we’re out of town for the weekend. The event was put together by FreedomWorks, which we’re going to point out creates fake grassroots campaigns, also known as astroturfing. • source