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07 Nov 2009 23:56


Politics: So, why did Joseph Cao vote yes? The abortion amendment.

  • A rare politician that doesn’t care about partisanship. Kudos. Joseph Cao may face harsh criticism from the right on his vote, but he’s fully behind it. On his site, he writes: “I have always said that I would put aside partisan wrangling to do the business of the people.” The turning point for him? The amendment blocking federal funding of abortions with the health care bill. A loss for pro-choice advocates, but a huge win for health care supporters in general. source

01 Oct 2009 20:40


U.S.: Support for legal abortion – no matter the situation – is falling fast

  • 47% of respondents say abortions should be legal in all or most cases; that number is down significantly, from 54% last year source

17 Sep 2009 20:55


Tech: It’s a “new known issue.” Well, that’s good to know. Thanks Twitter!

  • There is nothing our users can do to fix this issue at the moment. Don’t worry though! We have not lost any of your images. They will all come back soon.
  • A status message on Twitter’s help forum regarding the disappearance of background images and avatars • Which is essentially the equivalent of saying that they spilled beer on the server. But doesn’t Twitter use the cloud? We wonder what it’d be like to spill beer on a cloud. Would it just fall through? Would it freeze? Or would it create a frosty brew? The strange things we think of when we’re waiting for our #(^(!@& avatars to return to Twitter. • source

17 Sep 2009 11:04


U.S.: The Senate Dems’ biggest health-care challenge: Getting 60 votes

  • 59 Democrats (and one Republican) are needed to push it through source

16 Sep 2009 21:47


16 Sep 2009 10:00


U.S.: It’s finally here: The (non-bipartisan) Baucus health care plan

15 Sep 2009 10:44


Politics: Michael Moore: Newspapers sided with the GOP at their own peril (?!)

  • These newspapers slit their own throats by siding with the group of politicians – I mean, it would be like General Motors funding candidates who promised to get rid of Driver Education.
  • Michael Moore • Discussing the fate of the American newspaper. To further emphasize his point, he says that “we live in a nation of 40 million functional illiterates,” and this was caused by cuts in education that Republican leadership led to. While we don’t think that point is particularly sound, we’ll get behind this one regarding capitalism: “Same theory of General Motors that I watched twenty years ago. How can we get rid of half the employees but still put out the same number of cars? We’ll just make everybody work twice as hard and we’ll save money doing that. And that’s what happened to our newspapers.” • source

27 Aug 2009 20:38


Politics: When Sarah Palin says something, it inexplicably becomes news

  • FOX News’ Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House. Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch.
  • Sarah Pa … SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP … lin (sorry, we don’t know what came over us) • Discussing the fate of Glenn Beck and offering her support. Palin has become that rare politician who doesn’t have to have an elected office to have a huge impact in the media. Literally, she puts something on her Facebook page, and all of a sudden, it’s news. Man, we wish we could do that. • source

12 Aug 2009 11:08


U.S.: Polls: Obama’s health care support numbers are dwindling

  • 43% of Americans support this crazy health care plan source

20 Jul 2009 11:48


U.S.: Public support for Obama’s health care plan is flagging

  • 49% of those surveyed said they support the way Obama’s handling health care – the first time it’s dipped below 50% since he took office source