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18 May 2010 21:20


Tech, World: Google’s stupid wi-fi mistake gets the regulators on them

  • bad Google’s Street View cars traveled around European cities and towns and accidentally downloaded people’s wi-fi data. Oops.
  • worse Understandably, some countries are upset. The Germans and the Czech are doing investigations of the Street View cars. source

14 May 2010 20:42


Tech: Oops: Google Street View accidentally ganked people’s wi-fi data

Don’t mind us! It’s just Google Street View, driving through your villa. Do do do do do … hey, what’s this private wi-fi data we’re picking up? Oh crap. source

13 Feb 2010 14:26


Tech: Hoaxsters play on Europeans’ fears of Google Street View

  • Google’s got a LOT of PR problems right now. Some of them are legitimate (see Google Buzz), others are simply a side effect of the company’s size. But the fact of the matter is, this hoax, plotted last week while we were complaining about the snow, is pretty dang funny. The car is fake. So is the rage. But the undercurrent is definitely real. source

14 Nov 2009 11:01


Tech: Google’s street view: Not blurry enough for the Swiss

  • Haven’t you Swiss jerks caused enough trouble? First, you totally flip the neutrality switch and arrest Roman Polanski and now you’re going to claim that Google’s Street View isn’t blurry enough and doesn’t obscure faces and that sort of thing very well? You know, Switzerland, in America, we like our diminished privacy with a side of bacon. And some of the best home fries you’ve ever eaten. In a diner that used to be an IHOP until someone decided that it wasn’t good enough to be an IHOP and took away the franchise rights. We don’t complain about blurriness. Neither should you.source