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15 May 2009 20:59


Tech: OK, we’re officially excited about Wolfram Alpha

This pretty brilliant computational search engine is in the midst of getting launched tonight. The hype is blinding. source

08 Apr 2009 21:11


Tech: The guy behind much of EA’s bottom-line, Will Wright, is leaving.

  • But he’ll still be working with them, he says. Wright, the crazy detail-oriented maniac behind such classics as SimCity, The Sims, and Spore, will be leaving to start a new game firm called Stupid Fun Club, which will try to think up new forms of innovative entertainment. Electronic Arts is backing the move both diplomatically and financially. They better; Wright is the guy behind some of their best games. source

24 Mar 2009 23:33


Tech: Seriously, this OnLive video game console sounds awesome

  • The powerful subscription-based device uses cloud computing. It’s slightly larger than an iPhone. And way tinier than a breadbox. source

16 Mar 2009 01:23


Politics, Tech: Yo Kevin Rose, where’s our WeFollow follow request?

  • 5,862 number of followers that the Digg founder’s new Twitter guide has, including big names such as Google and the New York Times … and us. source