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10 Oct 2010 09:43


Politics: Pamela Geller, on drawing attention to that whole Park 51 saga

  • ‘I gotta be me. I gotta be free.’ I’m serious. I haven’t thought about that song in a million years. But it’s really true.
  • “Atlas Shrugs” blogger Pamela Geller • In a lengthy New York Times profile on the woman who enabled the Park51 controversy to spread like wildfire. Geller, whose hard-line anti-Islamic stances once got her banned from PayPal, has been a longtime critic of the religion and has pushed more than her fair share of hatred into the world. And she’s built enemies along the way, such as Charles Johnson of “Little Green Footballs,” a former friend who had this nice thing to say: “When people like Pam Geller are the loudest voices out there talking about it, it drowns out everything else and makes everyone look crazy.” (On a side note, this article about Johnson is equally entertaining.) Geller’s next project, by the way? Boycotting Campbell’s soup. source

28 Aug 2010 21:32


World: Zaitokukai: Japan has its own Tea Partiers, except more extreme

This group and others are ultranationalist, strongly anti-foreign, unruly in its street demonstrations, and loosely organized online. See the correlation? source

10 Apr 2010 10:26


World: RIP Lech Kaczynski: Three fast facts about the Polish president

  • one He had a twin brother, Jaroslaw, who was also involved in Polish politics. They founded a party together.
  • two Both brothers were
    child actors who initially shot to fame in the 1962 film “Two Boys Who Stole the Moon.”
  • three After the fall of Soviet Russia, the right-winger was a political outsider who later returned to prominence. source

09 Apr 2010 21:17


Politics: Are threats to politicians up due to the health care law? Uh, yeah.

  • 15 number of threats made against congressmen in the first three months of 2009
  • 42 number of threats made in the
    same period in 2010; wonder what
    changed source

01 Apr 2010 00:24


U.S.: Hutaree militia reportedly thinks the New World Order is coming

  • This is not about militias or a group of militias, but about a group conspiring against the U.S. who have shared beliefs that the New World Order elitists are in charge and seek to have one world government and is working with the U.S. government. Any law enforcement officer is a foot soldier for the New World Order.
  • Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet • Regarding the Hutaree militia, which he certainly set up as not the nicest people in the world. He was in a Michigan courtroom as eight of the nine arrested suspects entered “not guilty” pleas to charges that they planned to kill police officers. The ninth is currently in Indiana. The government claims suspected ringleader David Brian Stone Sr. had some grand plans, including carving their own country for crazy people out of four rural Michigan states, which of course is a great idea because Michigan sucks right now. source

05 Mar 2010 11:37


Politics: A couple quick thoughts on John Patrick Bedell and extremism

  • Let’s face it. Extremism isn’t right-wing or left-wing. A Christian Science Monitor article from today referred to John Patrick Bedell (along with anti-tax plane crasher Joe Stack) as a right-wing extremist. We’re not comfortable trying to tie these guys to any political leaning or political party. It creates a sucking sound that ties their opinions up in politics rather than focusing on the big issue, which is that there’s enough dischord in our country that random dudes are willing to attack parts of the government singlehandedly. Let’s get away from the politics and worry about the root problem we keep seeing. Extremism. source

15 Sep 2009 11:19


U.S.: The smear campaign against ACORN: Lawsuits and losses

  • Breitbart’s big splash The campaign against ACORN was first posted by, which just launched and made a huge initial splash with the video. The site is run by Andrew Breitbart, who’s probably best known as the other guy working on Drudge Report. source
  • Breitbart’s big splash The campaign against ACORN was first posted by, which just launched and made a huge initial splash with the video. The site is run by Andrew Breitbart, who’s probably best known as the other guy working on Drudge Report.
  • ACORN hit – hard As a result of the faked prostitution video, the Senate voted yesterday to deny funding for housing and community grants. The vote went 83-7, which is pretty much a death sentence for the organization. All because someone wanted to be Borat. source
  • Breitbart’s big splash The campaign against ACORN was first posted by, which just launched and made a huge initial splash with the video. The site is run by Andrew Breitbart, who’s probably best known as the other guy working on Drudge Report.
  • ACORN hit – hard As a result of the faked prostitution video, the Senate voted yesterday to deny funding for housing and community grants. The vote went 83-7, which is pretty much a death sentence for the organization. All because someone wanted to be Borat.
  • A lawsuit’s coming And for what it’s worth, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles targeted the organization. Giles says she “saw the ACORN Housing location in Baltimore as a target — the den of a giant corrupt lion.” ACORN plans to sue both Fox News and source

09 Aug 2009 12:05


Politics: Granola-eating hippies ask: Could the U.S. go fascist?

  • Fascism only grows in the disturbed soil of a mature democracy in crisis.
  • Sara Robinson of the Campaign for America’s Future • In a column on Alternet discussing whether fascism could happen in the U.S. someday, particularly in the wake of harsh protests during the Obama administration in recent weeks. Robinson notes that “it’s always rooted in the promise of restoring lost national pride by resurrecting the culture’s traditional myths and values.” We personally think both sides of this debate need to take a chill pill, go to a bar and drink a cool PBR. • source

11 Jun 2009 21:41


Politics: Shepard Smith has another one of his amazing moments of levity

  • In response to the Holocaust shooting yesterday, Smith went on a tirade against right-wing extremism, claiming it’s ticked up since President Obama took office. He has these moments once a year or so where he gives us straight talk, and we wait patiently for them. Because they rock. (Though some conservatives no likey.)source