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06 Oct 2009 20:36


Sports: Brett Favre proves his football AND TV-ratings-grabbing skills

  • turning forty Lordy Lordy, Brett Favre’s age; despite that, he easily led the Minnesota Vikings over his former team, the Green Bay Packers, last night; bravo, bro source

18 Aug 2009 22:21


Sports: A sampling of how sports columnists are taking Favre’s return

Brett Favre

We know, we know. We can't stand Brett Favre's return to the Minnesota Vikings, either. Which is why seeing columnists and bloggers freaking out about it totally amuses us. Here's a sampling.
  • S.F. Chronicle Gwen Knapp puts it best: “Favre’s fickle approach to retirement is an embarrassment that should follow him forever.”
  • S.F. Chronicle Gwen Knapp puts it best: “Favre’s fickle approach to retirement is an embarrassment that should follow him forever.”
  • Washington Post We agree: “I know they’ll never say it on the record so I’ll say it for Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels: Brett Favre is a jackass.”
  • S.F. Chronicle Gwen Knapp puts it best: “Favre’s fickle approach to retirement is an embarrassment that should follow him forever.”
  • Washington Post We agree: “I know they’ll never say it on the record so I’ll say it for Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels: Brett Favre is a jackass.”
  • Jay Mariotti Brett made his bed: “All right, Brett Favre. All right, you maddening flip-flopper and hopeless egomaniac. You asked for it.”

05 Aug 2009 10:26


Sports: Eli Manning is probably rubbing this contract in Peyton’s face

  • $107 million to lead the New York Giants for 7 years source

29 Jul 2009 11:04


Sports: Brett Favre accepts his fate as a retired guy in Mississippi

  • It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I didn’t feel like physically I could play at a level that was acceptable. I would like to thank everyone, including the Packers, Jets and Vikings – but, most importantly, the fans.
  • Quarterback Brett Favre • Describing his decision to stay retired as opposed to trying to play for the Minnesota Vikings. Favre is kind of an old guy and has already retired twice, only to return once and nearly return a second time. Regarding the surgery that he went through in hopes of coming back, he says he realized it was time. “I have legitimate reasons for my decision,” he said. “I’m 39 with a lot of sacks to my name.” • source

23 Jul 2009 21:14


Sports: Guess who’s probably coming back to the NFL? Michael Vick

  • A conditional return is in the works, guys. Vick, suspended and sent to jail after the “Bad Newz Kennels” dog-fighting saga – a saga which managed to tick off PETA, anger animal-rights activists and somehow make Michael look worse than his troubled brother Marcus – reportedly talked to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell today. Early word is that he’ll be allowed to practice with a team this season and will be given a four-game suspension. But he’ll be let back into the league. We’re guessing one of the conditions is no more bad newz. source

16 Jul 2009 12:07


Sports: Brett Favre’s game of is-he-or-isn’t-he has a firm deadline

  • July 30 is when he decides to come back. Brett Favre’s maybe-he’s-not-retired drama has taken yet another turn. He’s still thinking of playing for the Minnesota Vikings this season, but due to surgery hasn’t made up his mind yet. So he’s given the team a firm deadline to make a decision. So, remember kids, just 14 more days of waiting for him to decide whether or not he gets off the pot. Sigh. source

04 Jul 2009 18:24


Sports: As a black quarterback, Steve McNair was a pioneer in the NFL

  • He paved a path many QBs have gone down since. Vince Young? Donovan McNabb? Michael Vick? All three of them owe much to their success of Steve McNair, a black quarterback in an era where most of them were white. The 13-year NFL star, who retired last year, was an icon to many. Former Baltimore Ravens teammate Derrick Mason had this to say about his thrower last year: “When he came out in ’95, not many people were taking a chance on a lot of quarterbacks that played at small schools, much less a black quarterback back when there were so many stereotypes about African-American quarterbacks.” source

04 Jul 2009 16:59


Sports: Former NFL star Steve McNair dead in apparent double-homicide

  • Very sad story out of Nashville. Steve McNair, the former Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens star quarterback, was found shot and killed with another woman. McNair went to the Super Bowl with the Titans and was a three-time Pro Bowl selection before retiring in 2008. He was 38.source

04 Jul 2009 16:49


18 Jun 2009 10:55


Sports: Vikings owner on Brett Favre: Really, it’s all on him

  • Right now, it’s all up to Brett Favre in terms of where his future is at. I’ll just leave it at that.
  • Minnesota Vikings owner Zygi Wilf • On whether Brett Favre will be playing for his team next season. As for Favre, his recent surgery might complicate matters. He noted when throwing the ball around recently that he felt it more than he used to. “I threw the ball OK,” he said. “but OK isn’t good enough in the National Football League. At least not for me. So it’s got to get better.” Maybe it’s because you’re old and need to stay retired. • source