It is a tragedy for WFP and for the whole humanitarian community in Pakistan. These people were working to help vulnerable people.
World Food Program deputy director Amir Abdulla • On the deaths of at least four (and the injuries of at least six) in a suicide bombing centered on the WFP and United Nations offices in Islamabad, Pakistan today. While the attack has noone claiming responsibility as of yet, the most likely candidate is a reformulated Taliban in the region. • source
Failure to gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum in the near term (next 12 months) — while Afghan security capacity matures — risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible.
Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal • The top military commander in Afghanistan, on the likelihood of winning the war. In a recently unclassified document, McChrystal says more troops are necessary to win it – at a time when Obama is considering pulling back troops from the country. • source
I believe that what we have heard by media sources during the past few days on the killing of Mehsud is incorrect. My sources from local citizens in Waziristan confirm that Mehsud is alive and doing well.
Maulana Merajuddin • The leader of a delegation in Islamabad that includes Baitullah Mehsud’s tribe, on the living status of the Taliban leader. Despite claims yesterday that Mehsud had died, the Pakistan Taliban clams that he’s still alive but in hiding. • source
This is a major setback for the Taliban in Pakistan. He was the leader. The successors are all non-entities.
Former Pakistani security leader Mahmood Shah • Discussing the ramifications of the death of Baitullah Mehsud, who was reported killed in a bombing on Wednesday. Friday, two Taliban fighters said he was killed but the U.S. and Pakistan could not confirm this. Mehsud is blamed for much of the instability in the region and Pakistan has been targeting him for months. • source