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05 Nov 2009 21:24


Politics: On Muslims, terrorism, Fort Hood, and crazies.

  • Let’s not jump to conclusions. One of the biggest problems with the 24-hour news cycle is that a lot of misinformation gets out quickly. One of the SECOND biggest problems with the 24-hour news cycle is that many jump to conclusions, looking for an excuse to confirm their own biases and bigotry. Let’s step back a few moments and consider that A LOT OF PEOPLE JUST DIED. There will be time to consider all this stuff later, but for the love of God, let the story play out a little more before you decide to be a jerk and use this to push your agenda – no matter which side you’re on. Save that for later.

30 Oct 2009 11:21


11 Oct 2009 11:34


05 Oct 2009 11:09


03 Oct 2009 10:56


Tech: Why AT&T is probably regretting the iPhone right now

  • 90% of iPhone owners love their phone so much that they’d recommend it to a friend; that’s some great customer satisfaction source

21 Sep 2009 12:17


U.S.: People are scared of swine flu but think the U.S. is handling it well

  • 64% of Americans are at least “somewhat concerned” about the spread of swine flu source

15 Sep 2009 10:44


Politics: Michael Moore: Newspapers sided with the GOP at their own peril (?!)

  • These newspapers slit their own throats by siding with the group of politicians – I mean, it would be like General Motors funding candidates who promised to get rid of Driver Education.
  • Michael Moore • Discussing the fate of the American newspaper. To further emphasize his point, he says that “we live in a nation of 40 million functional illiterates,” and this was caused by cuts in education that Republican leadership led to. While we don’t think that point is particularly sound, we’ll get behind this one regarding capitalism: “Same theory of General Motors that I watched twenty years ago. How can we get rid of half the employees but still put out the same number of cars? We’ll just make everybody work twice as hard and we’ll save money doing that. And that’s what happened to our newspapers.” • source

24 Aug 2009 23:33


Politics, U.S.: Poll: Do you guys care about town hall protests anymore?

  • The video
  • The video
  • About the video This is a great example of a town hall protest: This Marine vet, David William Hedrick, attacks Congressman Brian Baird. During the speech, he compares Nancy Pelosi to a Nazi wearing an S.S. armband. The guy’s very proud of his statement, and says so in the video’s description. We feel like we saw a video like this, with similar arguments, weeks ago.
  • The video
  • About the video This is a great example of a town hall protest: This Marine vet, David William Hedrick, attacks Congressman Brian Baird. During the speech, he compares Nancy Pelosi to a Nazi wearing an S.S. armband. The guy’s very proud of his statement, and says so in the video’s description. We feel like we saw a video like this, with similar arguments, weeks ago.
  • Why the poll? The video got us to thinking. We can’t be alone in thinking that maybe this card has been a bit overplayed. It seems like, instead of pushing forth the Democratic process, so many people are doing this that it’s reached a saturation point. Whether it’s organic or astroturfing, it’s been getting play for weeks. Are we wrong? Are we right? Let us know. Vote.

21 Aug 2009 11:53


Culture: “Inglourious Basterds” has good, not glourious reviews. Basterds.

  • 70 its current rating on Metacritic; some adore it, some hate it source

19 Aug 2009 10:20


U.S.: Polls: Town hall protesters aren’t changing anyone’s minds

  • 62% of people aren’t being swayed by town hall critics source